LOTO is one of the lifesaving rules followed by a majority of companies but failure to apply or follow the LOTO procedure is the key root cause of many accidents. Here, this video helps to understand the importance of LOTO for safety💡 Always apply one lock, one key 🔐 Many reasons behind LOTO is not effectively followed let's discuss a few of them 🔹️ No procedure 🔸 complex procedure 🔹️ lack of awareness 🔸 No priority, system only on papers 🔹️ Poor safety management system 🔸 No accident history/ unknown about the severity 🔹️ in adequate LOTO kits 🔸 work pressure 🔹️ No permit system 🔸 overconfidence 🔹️ to save time 🔸 poor mindset 🔹️ and many more...... Write in comment In many places, LOTO only applies to electrical systems but it should be applied to all sources by which a person can be exposed (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemicals etc.) Join Safety Toolbox and support www.safetytoolbox.in ⛑️ Safety Management Systems Workplace Safety HSE Professionals Rights reserved with respective owners #safety #healthandsafety #loto #riskmanagement
Firmy mają wile rozwiązań mających na celu poprawę bezpieczeństwa w miejscu pracy, jednak jakże często zapominają o przeprowadzaniu szkoleń odświeżających wiedzę swoich pracowników w zakresie wykorzystania tychże zabezpieczeń. Toyota Material Handling Polska stawia na bezpieczną pracę operatorów dlatego już dziś możesz się zapisać na nasze szkolenia odświeżające wiedzę operatorów i ich kadry kierowniczej 🦺👷 #Szkoleniaoperatorów #Bezpieczeństwo #Toyota #Elearningdlaoperatorów #Bezpiecznymagazyn
Thanks for the insight.Clear communication is very vital, as workers should always talk to each other before removing a lock or tag to ensure no one is still working on the equipment. It's also significant to double-check that everyone is out of danger before restarting the machinery/plant/electric distrubution board. Proper training on LOTO procedure/clear communication/double check/signs are crucial so workers understand the risks and follow safety rules correctly. Plus, using clear signals like tags or locks, along with verbal confirmation, helps confirm it's safe to remove the lock or tag and restart equipment.Effective supervision is also paramount to oversee the entire process and ensure LOTO procedure are followed correctly.
Great post highlighting the importance of LOTO for safety in the workplace. It's unfortunate that there are still many reasons why LOTO is not effectively followed, but it's important for companies to prioritize safety and ensure that proper procedures are in place and followed. I agree that LOTO should apply to all sources by which a person can be exposed, not just electrical systems. Let's continue to raise awareness and promote a strong safety culture in the workplace. Thank you for sharing!
According to PTW system only athourise person should be responsible instalatation lock and tag i sopose issue procedure and clear responcibillty by training can prevention this accident
LOTO is crucial for ensuring worker safety, yet its implementation often falls short due to various factors such as lack of awareness, complex procedures, and work pressure. Addressing these challenges is key to preventing accidents.
At times a robust LOTO framework is in place however complacency and violation of the procedures can be potentially detrimental.
It's interesting that you're doing work on a piecemeal basis. Everyone should have their own key for the safety of everyone and even the company.
Very helpful, each of worker shall do double check and follow up the rules. Life is treasure and only.
Crisis - Project Industry Coordinator #Process/Project Solution
1moWorking on installations starts at the beginning: The employee goes to the work permit desk there it is reported on the work permit that lototo must be applied. Every employee must also report to that desk there. It is even so that the counter knows that maintenance is done by meedere. Then the counter employee of the permit issuer himself will put a lock on it. Walks along to the location to apply this. This procedure is still often forgotten and hence accidents happen daily due to little knowledge and training. I have been working on procedures around lototo for over 15 years. Safety in Control