Samsung Electronics’ Post

Samsung Electronics is integrating AI technology into the entire Radio Access Network (RAN) to drive the next generation of mobile communications, aiming to improve user experience, boost energy efficiency, and enhance network performance beyond conventional speed improvements. Samsung Electronics demonstrated AI-RAN technologies in collaboration with industry partners, showing substantial gains in data throughput, communication coverage, and energy efficiency compared to existing networks. 

Samsung Electronics Demonstrates AI-RAN Technologies, Paving the Way for Convergence of Telecommunications and AI

Samsung Electronics Demonstrates AI-RAN Technologies, Paving the Way for Convergence of Telecommunications and AI

Nitin Sharma

Manager | Professional | Schneider Electric | Ex L&T Electrical and Automation | Ex Havells India Ltd.


I am highly disappointed and harassed with my recent experience with Samsung and its logistics partner, Xpressbees. I placed an order on the Samsung website, but Xpressbees refused to deliver and made fake delivery attempts. To make matters worse, Samsung is now canceling my order due to these false failed attempts and unjustly charging a cancellation fee. This is unacceptable and raises serious concerns about the reliability of Samsung’s service and its choice of logistics partners. I hope Samsung takes responsibility for this issue and resolves it promptly, ensuring no other customer has to face such treatment.” Order# 12301599078 Samsung Electronics Xpressbees (BusyBees Logistics Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)

Maurizio Barros

Especialista Marketing Digital, Creador de contenidos, Social Media Manager y Analista Digital


Buenas tardes, el día martes 7 de enero fui a las oficinas de juan de arona, San Isidro(Lima, Perú), para internar mi S22 ultra qué estaba fallando el sistema desde la última actualización del sistema iu. Me dijeron que en 2 días iban a informarme lo que pasa con mi teléfono y el costo de reparación. Hoy es 12 de Enero y hasta ahora no revisan mi celular y no me dicen que tiene mi celular... Pésimo servicio


Impressive strides in AI-powered networks, Samsung Electronics Innovations like AI RAN are shaping the future of connectivity and setting new industry benchmarks. Speaking of accessibility, I’m working on an initiative about free Samsung phones through government programs. Would love your feedback: Your thoughts would be invaluable!


Language Enthusiastic | Arabic Language Professional | Language Mentoring | Professional Career Guide | Language Content Moderator | Creative Advertising Specialist | Founder Of Adsdot Advertising Agency


Don't Buy Any Samsung Products! Especially Ultra versions. Even don't go for S25 ultra .. Here are the reasons guys...I am a samsung premium customer, I have S22 ultra with the most famous green lines and I got worse experience from the Samsung customer service team. Got horizontal green lines after software update but they said to get free display change, the line should be vertical. How can it be predictable?. They gave the lines horizontally and how can we change it to vertical. This is their attitude towards a premium customer and I wonder that how will be their attitude towards a normal customer who can't afford enough amount to change their display.. Friends do not trust these guys.. switch to some better mobile companies...

Vanessa Gatarossi

Gerente de Planejamento | Comercial | Projetos | Operação | Customer Service | Transformação


Sou cliente e preciso de apoio: 01/12: compra Z Fold5 na loja Samsung Shopp Eldorado 03/12: O aparelho desligou com 9% de bateria. 07/12 (7º dia da compra): Ocorreu novo desligamento com 13% de bateria. Fui na loja do Eldorado e o técnico alegou ser necessária apenas a atualização de software. Apesar de eu ter solicitado a troca imediata, fui convencida a realizar a atualização. 17/12: Como o problema persistiu (agora com 30% de bateria), levei o aparelho à assistência técnica (Pedroso de Morais, 670). 20/12: O aparelho após "reparo" estava sem a película. 24/12: O problema de áudio no WhatsApp surgiu (microfone inoperante) e o celular voltou a desligar com 30% de bateria. 27/12: Depois de vários prejuízos, solicitei o reembolso através do Canal Samsung onde orientada a levar o aparelho na assistencia técnica para abertura do processo de reembolso. Levei o aparelho novamente à assistência (O.S 4171776094), onde confirmaram que o defeito na bateria não foi solucionado e que não conseguiriam nem comprovar se havia sido feito e que o microfone inferior havia sido danificado durante o procedimento anterior. Gostaria de receber meu reembolso e encerrar essa experiência negativa e a quebra de confiança. Agradeço seu apoio.


Huge waste of money and a big fraud. I had broken my phone on 12-13-14. Only to be denied the option to place a claim, had my account canceled on Dec. 17th, 2024 by Care Plus and have received absolutely NO HELP from Care Plus, Samsung Global or their affiliates. Buyer Beware!!! Best part after they canceled my account, poof, I never existed. Even though I can prove I was paying them. Way to defraud your customers!

Amit Kumar

Channel Development Manager at Future Generali India Insurance Company Limited


I have Samsung F23 5G mobile, my phone's IMEI number has been stop by itself , I took the phone to Samsung service center and they asked me for 9100 rupees. Should I put a stop buying Samsung phone? I have been a Samsung user for a very long time. please resolve my problem ASAP

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