In this paper, the application of #integrated #access and #backhaul (#IAB) technique in #millimeter-#wave (#mmWave) #cell-#free (#CF) massive #MIMO systems is investigated. The access and backhaul links share a frequency spectrum in the mmWave bands, and in both, #hybrid #beamforming techniques are adopted for signal transmission. The bandwidth allocation (division) parameter between the two link types as well as the beamforming matrices are optimized to maximize the end-to-end data rate. This leads to a non-convex optimization problem for which an efficient solution method is proposed. ---- Ali Hosseinalipour jazi, S. Mohammad Razavizadeh, Tommy Svensson More details can be found at this link:
Shannon Wireless’ Post
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In this paper, the application of #integrated #access and #backhaul (#IAB) technique in #millimeter-#wave (#mmWave) #cell-#free (#CF) massive MIMO systems is investigated. The access and backhaul links share a frequency spectrum in the mmWave bands, and in both, hybrid beamforming techniques are adopted for signal transmission. The bandwidth allocation (division) parameter between the two link types as well as the beamforming matrices are optimized to maximize the end-to-end data rate. This leads to a non-convex optimization problem for which an efficient solution method is proposed. ---- Ali Hosseinalipour jazi, S. Mohammad Razavizadeh, Tommy Svensson More details can be found at this link:
Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems
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Through enabling precise spatial monitoring and sharing of positional data, mmWave and sub-THz frequencies can enhance location detection and improve safety. See the potential of 6G technology when integrating sensing capabilities with cellular communications in Sarah LaSelva's recent EE World article. #6G
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Through enabling precise spatial monitoring and sharing of positional data, mmWave and sub-THz frequencies can enhance location detection and improve safety. See the potential of 6G technology when integrating sensing capabilities with cellular communications in Sarah LaSelva's recent EE World article. #6G
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Through enabling precise spatial monitoring and sharing of positional data, mmWave and sub-THz frequencies can enhance location detection and improve safety. See the potential of 6G technology when integrating sensing capabilities with cellular communications in Sarah LaSelva's recent EE World article. #6G
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Through enabling precise spatial monitoring and sharing of positional data, mmWave and sub-THz frequencies can enhance location detection and improve safety. See the potential of 6G technology when integrating sensing capabilities with cellular communications in Sarah LaSelva's recent EE World article. #6G
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Through enabling precise spatial monitoring and sharing of positional data, mmWave and sub-THz frequencies can enhance location detection and improve safety. See the potential of 6G technology when integrating sensing capabilities with cellular communications in Sarah LaSelva's recent EE World article. #6G
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Through enabling precise spatial monitoring and sharing of positional data, mmWave and sub-THz frequencies can enhance location detection and improve safety. See the potential of 6G technology when integrating sensing capabilities with cellular communications in Sarah LaSelva's recent EE World article. #6G
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Through enabling precise spatial monitoring and sharing of positional data, mmWave and sub-THz frequencies can enhance location detection and improve safety. See the potential of 6G technology when integrating sensing capabilities with cellular communications in Sarah LaSelva's recent EE World article. #6G
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Through enabling precise spatial monitoring and sharing of positional data, mmWave and sub-THz frequencies can enhance location detection and improve safety. See the potential of 6G technology when integrating sensing capabilities with cellular communications in Sarah LaSelva's recent EE World article. #6G
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Through enabling precise spatial monitoring and sharing of positional data, mmWave and sub-THz frequencies can enhance location detection and improve safety. See the potential of 6G technology when integrating sensing capabilities with cellular communications in Sarah LaSelva's recent EE World article. #6G
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