Rock Face Scaling. Scaling is done after a blast and muck disposal. It is done mandatory in order to get even surface and to prevent loose rocks from sliding and falling down and to prepare for blast holes to prevent from any accidents or near misses and to safely charge the blast holes. #Blasting #Tumneling #Controlled blasting #Scalling
Shivaprasad M Anchan’s Post
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Here is another #ElectricalSafetyTip for you: Be careful about sticking in nails or try to make holes in the walls of your home without checking for wires first. It’s a potential danger since you may not know what’s behind your point of entry. And you should also take care when digging or excavating as you run the risk of cutting live underground wire. #ElectricalSafetyMonth
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Here is another #ElectricalSafetyTip for you: Be careful about sticking in nails or try to make holes in the walls of your home without checking for wires first. It’s a potential danger since you may not know what’s behind your point of entry. And you should also take care when digging or excavating as you run the risk of cutting live underground wire. #ElectricalSafetyMonth
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It’s stats like these that remind me why my job is so important. I work with pipelines all day, every day. I’ve seen the effect a pipeline puncture can have, it’s not pretty. Thankfully organisations like LSBUD (Linesearch BeforeUdig) are here to provide guidance and keep people safe. But remember, safe digging should be the priority every week, not just during National Safe Digging Week. #nationalsafediggingweek #safedigging #healthandsafety #safeatwork #pipelines
The UK is ‘digging blind’ 🤯 Over a quarter of Brits do not check for underground cables or pipes before they dig. As a result, one in five Brits have hit an underground pipe or cable whilst digging, or know someone who has. The risk of striking is never worth skipping a quick, easy and free pipeline search 🚧 #NSDW #nationalsafediggingweek #searchbeforeyoudig #safedigging
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What do we do when larger rocks land on or near the roadway are too big for a backhoe, loader, or excavator? We blow them up💥 Here’s how it works: 1️⃣ Measure & Drill: We assess the rock’s size and drill one or more holes using a pneumatic rock drill. 2️⃣ Add Water & Charges: The holes are filled with water, and specialized charges are inserted. 3️⃣ Shock Wave Magic: Instead of explosives, we use the power of water’s incompressibility to send a shock wave through the rock, breaking it into smaller, safer pieces. This process clears hazards from the road while turning large boulders into reusable materials like rip rap—perfect for protecting bridge abutments, river roads, and stream banks.
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🚧 Excavators, Stay Safe with CBYD! Download the Excavator Damage Prevention Guide to refresh your knowledge on: + Tolerance Zones: Understand the safe digging distance around underground utilities. + Pre-Marking: Learn how to mark your dig site before utility locators arrive. + Notification Requirements: Ensure compliance by contacting CBYD before starting any project. This guide is your go-to resource for preventing utility damage and staying safe. ▶️ See the link to the guide in the comments below. #CBYD #DamagePrevention #SafeDigging #Excavators #CallBeforeYouDig
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Are you one of the 25% of Brits digging blind? 😱 Don't risk hitting an underground cable or pipe! Over the past 12 months, a staggering number of Brits have hit an underground pipe or cable and had no idea what to do next. This puts them at a significant risk. Use now for a safer digging experience! 🚧 #nationalsafediggingweek #SafeDiggingforAll #LSBUD #undergroundutilities #utilitiesindustry
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Wondering about the different types of protective systems for trenches? Let’s break it down! There are four key types: 1️⃣ Benching: Creating horizontal levels or steps in the trench walls, except on type C soil. 2️⃣ Sloping: Angling the trench walls away from the excavation site. 3️⃣ Shoring: Installing support systems to prevent soil movement. 4️⃣ Shielding: Using protective structures to guard against cave-ins. Understanding these protective measures is essential for keeping our teams safe during trenching operations. #BuildingColoradosFuture #NationalTrenchSafetyStandDownWeek
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#CoopedUp #trustcoopertrench No matter your trench safety needs – trench shields, shoring or slide rail systems, Cooper Trench Safety Division has everything you need to get the job done right and on time #coopertrenchsafety 📸| Photos by: Mike G #trenchrep #ontario #callcooper Mike Gareri #shoring #trenchbox #trenchsafety
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How do you know whether your blasts are as effective as possible? MEA’s drill and blast audits offer a comprehensive review of your blasting operations, identifying opportunities for improvement, and helping you maximise efficiency while lowering costs. #Explosives #Drilling #Blasting #MEA
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everyday presents a different challenge in underground and surface blasting
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