Sibanye-Stillwater Reldan’s Post

According to the most recent UN Global E-Waste Monitor, a staggering 62 billion kilograms of e-waste were generated globally in 2022. This amount is projected to soar to 82 billion kilograms by 2030. At Sibanye-Stillwater Reldan, we live this year’s International E-Waste Day theme, “Retrieve, Recycle, and Revive!” Taking forgotten electronics from homes and businesses that harbor valuable reusable materials and processing said materials so that they can be put back into manufacturing. As of 2023, Sibanye-Stillwater Reldan has diverted over 244 million pounds of materials from landfills that including E-waste.   #ewastehunt, #junkdrawer #ewasteday #preciousmetalsrefining #circulareconomy

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