Simmons & Simmons’ Post

🚀 LaunchPlus 2.0 is here! 🚀 We’re proud to introduce the latest update to LaunchPlus, our bespoke tool for hedge fund start-ups. Since 2015, it has been the essential resource for new and expanding funds. 🔍 What’s new? LaunchPlus 2.0 features fresh content and a more user-friendly experience.   💼 Why choose LaunchPlus? Simmons is the market leading firm for hedge funds, with our multi-award winning practice acting for over three-quarters of the largest UK and European hedge fund managers, over half of the largest US hedge fund managers and over one-third of the largest Asian hedge fund managers. Our tool offers unmatched resources and information. You can read more here:

Aine Hayes

Asset Management and Investment Funds Sector Lead - Simmons & Simmons


Well done team.. super product!

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