In order to reduce emissions, the Sintesa Group develops the Sintesa Energy business model through PT Meppo-Gen and PT Sintesa Banten Geothermal (SBG). Sintesa Energy focuses on investing in the utility and renewable energy sectors to provide products, services, and supporting infrastructure projects that facilitate the development and distribution of clean and renewable energy. So, how does Sintesa Group specifically contribute to Indonesia's NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) target? Here’s how we actively promote sustainable initiatives. PT Meppo-Gen focuses on the development of clean energy power plants as an Independent Power Producer (IPP) with a capacity of 110 MW that utilizes natural gas. In fact, natural gas releases 60% fewer CO2 emissions than coal. Furthermore, we also use Combined Cycle technology that harnesses residual heat and exhaust gasses to generate electricity, further reducing carbon emissions. PT Meppo-Gen has also adopted the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as part of the Certified Emission Reduction (CER) program supported by the United Nations. Moreover, SBG has been designed to generate electricity with a capacity of 110 MW through power plants in Serang and Pandeglang, Banten, utilizing geothermal energy resources. The utilization of geothermal by SBG is not only aimed at achieving significant electricity capacity but also positively supports the attainment of Indonesia's NDC targets, aligning with the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Investments in this new and renewable energy not only create clean electricity capacity but also have a positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening Sintesa Group's contribution to emission reduction. #SintesaGroup #SintesaForTheEarth #sintesaenergy #ndc #parisagreement #renewableenergy