“In physically demanding occupations such as emergency services, it is vital to establish selection processes that incorporate formal physical employment standards (PES). This ensures that successful applicants possess the physical requirements to cope with elevated work-related stress while minimizing the risk of injury”
“The generalization of PES beyond a single service requires the analysis of critical tasks using similar equipment, clothing, and techniques at the same intensity, frequency, and duration. A critical job task analysis performed in ground-based paramedic services across Canada revealed that many, if not all, of the same tasks were being performed across services, only at different frequencies based on their demographics. Furthermore, a comparison between tasks completed by an Australian and Canadian ambulance service identified mutual tasks of high physiological intensity (eg, patient transfer tasks) that were similar in difficulty and rating of perceived exertion. Although these findings suggest meaningful similarity between international services, no formal comparison of job requirements, task demands, expectations, and selection processes across services has been performed in HEMS to date.”
“This study consolidates the selection processes and physical assessments of 9 HEMS in Australia and New Zealand. We found that service demographics and service selection processes varied markedly, with a spectrum of physical assessments described. Although job tasks are likely to be similar, only 1 service had performed a formal job task analysis or demonstrated how their assessments matched their possible job tasks.”
“To explain discrepancies between demographics and selection processes, participants indicated that there is often emphasis placed on post selection training, as opposed to preselection evaluation of readiness to work. This rhetoric of post selection training may however place employees, organizations, and patients at risk, when capacity to perform the job has not been verified during selection.”
Hi all, sorry for the slow response. We're not currently accepting ECPs, sorry.