Inspired by Jordan Snapper’s Winning Wednesday thread, I wanted to share one of my biggest wins of the year with you -
Having multiple clients approach me about joining them in-house in the past few weeks... and being in a comfortable enough place to kindly decline.
I could have chosen a number of accomplishments to share:
Networking with many people I’ve never met, despite my extreme introversion
Making the move from Osek Patur to Osek Murshe (different types of businesses, depending on income levels) in Q1 2024
Handling difficult client situations with poise and assertive humility (even when I’m reduced to a sniveling puddle inside)
Adjusting my pricing to better reflect my value - and my busy schedule
But at the end of the day, being asked to work full-time for a company as an employee (in some cases, saying, “We think you’re a good fit, please apply,” and in others, “We want you on board, let’s come to an agreement and sign a contract,”) is a huge testament (yes, I used a now ChatGPT-famous word, but it’s fitting here) to how they view me, my work, and my commitment to client-centered relationships.
In all of the cases (I believe there were 4 in the past 6 weeks), I was flattered.
Extremely flattered.
I love working with them all.
Which is one of the main reasons why I just can’t go in-house.
The other, of course, is, that running my own business was the best decision I’ve ever made (professionally, that is).
(Wow! So many parentheses in one post!)
Despite the stress and the hustle, I love:
1. Setting my own hours
2. Choosing the projects I take on
3. Working with different industries and contacts
4. Challenging myself to learn more, do more, and become more efficient
5. Not having the threat of “all the eggs in my single basket” being snatched away
So, no, I’m not going to go in-house any time soon. B2B and B2C founders, CMOs, heads of content, and marketing managers - feel free to DM and see how I can support your content needs while doing what I love.
2moCongratulations Trav! Very proud of what you have accomplished.