School of International Futures (SOIF)’s Post

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View profile for Cat Zuzarte Tully

Founder of School of International Futures & FromOverHere

My #2025 #Week2 Update #networkexperiment #appreciatinginformalexchange #thepowerofongoingconnection #makingtheinvisiblevisible This week's update is a little different since it was a book-writing week... Not wholly successfully, given the challenges of actually making the time to do what is important but not urgent... AND the particular difficulty of tuning out the ramifications of decisions emerging from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW DC, despite my best intentions. Most conversations were focused on shaping my upcoming blog/essay series, that build on the responses to the preview of my book, "Playing with Time" The blog series continues the conversation with very diverse people in the community who kindly offered wide-ranging comments. The first essay comes out next week, and each week will address the 9 themes and questions that emerged. 1. Help me understand this broad issue as a non-expert - or indeed someone who has never come across the field of foresight.  What do terms like "futures" or "intergenerational fairness” or “future generations” mean - and why did you settle on “Future-Inspired Transformative Stewardship”?  How are they connected and why are they so relevant today?   2. What can we learn from Wales?  The Wales Well-being of Future Generations Act offers a fascinating case study.  What are the broader insights from its implementation, and what lessons can we draw from this and other countries? 3. What is the Declaration on Future Generations #DFG, & what happened at the Summit of the Future #SOTF?  4. What is SOIF planning for 2025 & beyond?  5. Who is the wider community engaging in this work?  6. What does this mean for me as an individual?  7. What does this mean for the organisation I work in?  8. What’s the generational vision for this movement for change?  9. Answering specific questions about practice, techniques & themes 💟 Sophie Howe, 1st Future Gens Commissioner in Wales for always being inspiring, reminding me of what is important, and the best collaborator possible for scaling up #LTG 💟 Jane Davidson for sharing her unique perspective about the #Wales #FGA and being the best examplar of #politicalsteward the #21stC needs 💟 Abi Nokes for being a great thought partner in exploring how to ensure the words reflect the #practice of #networkweaving 💟 Josh Polchar Lisa G. Jane Taylor Rahman for exploring how to connect childrens' views on #IGF to civil servants 💟 Bernard Jenkin for championing #UK #NationalStrategy 💟 Mehdi Danesh & Dr. Noah Raford for #UAE #environmental collaboration Thank you for inspiring me - & being so generous with your time & insights as we share, explore & build together! Look out for the first blog next week! School of International Futures (SOIF) Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Prateeksha S. Raya Bidshahri Paula Jimeno Fraca Pupul Bisht Melissa Ingaruca Moreno Ammaarah Nilafdeen Betty Sue Flowers

Javeria Masood

Policy Innovation, Research & Strategic Foresight for Impact | UNDP


I'm following this and looking forward to the next essay!

Emel Tabaku

Strategic Policy, Innovation & Foresight at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada | Founder of RCAD Initiative


The questions you’ve raised are ones I’m currently exploring through envisioning, community conversations & research! Really excited to see overlaps - looking forward to reading your essay next week!

Raïsa Mirza

Building Capabilities, Seeding Innovations & Convening Networks as transition spaces to just planetary futures


Looking forward to it!

Jane Taylor Rahman

Psychotherapist & Founder of Reasons to be Hopeful


Thank you Cat Zuzarte Tully for being a constant source of inspired information & community! Looking forward to your blog & book.

So glad you are doing this Cat, a really important piece of work!

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