Managing expense reports can quickly become a headache. If your employees use their own money for company purchases, they need to know how to get reimbursed quickly and efficiently. Here are some tips to help them : 👉Receipts: whether digital or paper, they must contain accurate information. Simplification is essential to speed up the reimbursement process. 👉 Determine the expense types: clear classification ensures compliance and gives insights of your expenses. 👉 Respect the deadlines for submitting expense reports to avoid reimbursement delays. 👉 Document the purpose of each expense to avoid confusion. 👉 Make sure to be compliant with your company's reimbursement policy. 👉 Use an expense management tool to simplify the process and reduce manual errors. Of course, personal expenses do not count. Asking for reimbursement of the mini-bar bill is tempting, but unfortunately, it won't be approved 😅 #BusinessTravel ************************** If you discovering me through this post, I help companies with their Travel & Expense challenges. Let’s connect and click on 🔔 to follow me.