Back in our Economics class at our college,, our professor used to say, "India is a poor country, inhabited by rich people."
It was 'Rich' because India has been blessed with excellent climate, most of citizens are hard working yet peace loving, avaialibility of plenty of water, minerals and other natural resources etc.
However, this statement also reflected the reality of that time, with low average per capita income, economic & political crisis and various other shortcomings & challenges, that India was facing.
However, you know, since the 1990s, India has made tremendous strides.
There have been significant improvements in general living conditions (look back to understand & appreciate), technological advancements, stable macroeconomic conditions, and Improvement in our international relationships, are difficult to ignore. Our stature on the global stage has risen considerably. Despite facing numerous challenges, India still remains a vibrant democracy.
All this has resulted in - we becoming one of the most aspirational societies in the world. (We don't settle for even the second best. We want THE BEST. Period.😃)
With continued progress, it’s only a matter of time before India is recognized as "A rich country, inhabited by rich people."
Sooner is better.
What do you say?🤔
(Image courtsy: Internet)
Patent Engineer at Eeva IP & IT Services Pvt Ltd
1moGood insight sir