Friday thoughts…All Hallow’s Eve
I woke up this morning after spending two nights up until midnight preparing for tonight’s teenage block party hosted at our house. The theme…Halloween. And just when I finally, not so long ago, packed away neatly last year’s decorations that were stacked up on the basement table.
However, I said to myself as I came to this morning from deep sleep that I will have a great day. Considering the numerous final preparation tasks to complete despite working until 5:00 P.M. today, I reminded myself to put the best foot forward all day so that my daughter can have the utmost from me and enjoy her event. Did I mention the party starts at 5:00 P.M.? I guess I will have to tele transport from work to home.
Truthfully, the day so far has been pretty great! With so many negative forces around us all day: daily news, gossip at work, family situations, health, monotony, etc., remember to take care of yourself first. One way to accomplish this is to wake up and give yourself a mental moment. Tell yourself an affirmation despite the hurdles ahead of you. Too often we wake up and say, “Ugh, do I really have to go to work?” This sets us in a negative mind frame and makes the day ahead more challenging.
Try instead to make your first thought a beautiful one. Think of how appreciative you are about what is good in your life. Welcome the tiny wonderful things in your life. Remind yourself the day will be great or how brilliantly you will execute a task, pass an exam, or speak at today’s event. Send yourself good vibes. Measure your thoughts. Reflect consciously to find reasons to be grateful.
It will take time to change your mind frame, but it can be done. I am going to work on it.
Now, can anyone help me teleport?