The Bayh-Dole Coalition reposted this
As a graduate student, Dr. Rachel Dorin invented a nanofiltration technology with Professor Uli Wiesner at Cornell University. This week it was announced that Dr. Dorin will receive a 2024 American Innovator Award from The Bayh-Dole Coalition in recognition of her extraordinary work to develop their discovery into a practical, commercial product with applications in medicine and semiconductor manufacturing. Congratulations Dr. Dorin! I thank her, along with our Innovation Team and all Cornell innovators who are doing the tough work of translating cutting-edge science into viable technologies that positively impact people and communities. #CornellInnovation #researchimpact #nsf #nanotech #womeninSTEM
Executive Director, Center for Technology Licensing at Cornell University
2moCongratulations to Dr. Rachel Dorin for receiving the American Innovator Award! It's a celebration of inventors and entrepreneurs to bring technologies to real world impact.