Another great event 💯 attended by our Landlord Partnerships Team 🏘 and COO on our 'Strategy 2024/29 : Homelessness the Missing Piece' journey ✅️ With our teams across the UK doing all they can to help end #homelessness 🏘 as they work harder than ever (with our partners) to deliver 10,000 safe and inspiring homes into 75% of UK local authority areas in the next 5 years ✅️ Well done 👏 and thanks Ashley Murdin Sean Ballinger and Mark Turner 🏘 looks and sounds like it was a great day ✅️ #endhomelessness #changinglives #moj #supportedhousing
Wow 🌟 what a full on and information packed day it was yesterday at Partners in Property in #Bristol 🏘 Alongside some amazing 💯 sector experts, like Lorcan Donaldson, Ian Walmsley and Gerard Davis, LLB, Solicitor 👏 we gave our take on the 'Future of Social Housing' and what we need to do collectively in coming years 🏘 ✅️ Supported Housing (Reg) Act 2023 ✅️ Strategically Assessed Local Need ✅️ Psychologicaly Informed Environments ✅️ Trauma Informed Support ✅️ Assessing Need & Delivering Outcomes With the National Housing Federation predicting a need for +167k Supported Housing units by 2040 📈 the need to help some of the most vulnerable in our community is more pressing than ever 🏘 However, we have to work together 🫱🏼🫲🏿 have to focus on outcomes 🌟 and have to 'do it right' by delivering what our Local Authority partners need 🏘 Something our teams at The Housing Network are absolutely 💯 committed to doing across the UK !! 🫱🏼🫲🏿🏘✅️🏘🫱🏼🫲🏿 #workingtogether #endhomelessness #Housing #supportedhousing #quality The Housing Network #traumainformed #strengthbased #knowledge #landlord #mentalhealth #localgovernment Gary Teper Marc Goodkind Sukhvinder Kaur Rai - MSc. (Housing) John Graham Lisa Goldsmith Sue Sims Murray Gallagher Ashley Murdin Sean Ballinger #makingadifference