Be sure to check out our new #MightyMilspouse vertical!
On August 1, We Are The Mighty launched the Mighty MilSpouse vertical and it has been a sprint ever since. Sourcing/editing/publishing 20 articles a week from 60+ military spouses around the world sometimes feels like a Herculean task for a party of one... but then I read the content, and just feel super damn proud of what we're doing together. One of my favorite endeavors has been the "MilSpouse Memoirs," where our memoirists tell their stories in bite-size chapters, one week at a time. The incredible Julie Eshelman is penning our "Infertility Memoir," the brilliant Jessica Hall is authoring our "Grief Memoir," and the incomparable Stacy Bilodeau is sharing her "Cancer Memoir." I'll link their Memoirs in the comments - all are worth your time. Beyond their journeys, they're sharing their hearts, their secrets, their souls. Between the pages of losing parents, losing pregnancies, fear and devastation, you'll find a common, unwavering thread that weaves through every installment: Strength. Yesterday, Stacy called me asking for a hall pass. She started a new radiation treatment and didn't have it in her to sit down and write a long-form piece. Of course, her health is the priority and I told her we'd be fine to skip. As I listened to everything swirling around her, I asked if she had the bandwidth to write up just that -- to be vulnerable with our audience and give me just a few sentences about what's really happening in her life. In true Stacy fashion, she delivered an authentic glimpse into her life. Give it a read, and drop a "win" or a "joy" in the comments for our girl. And in the words of Stacy, Shine On.