The Nature Conservancy in Colorado reposted this
Small lifestyle changes can have a positive ripple effect to create lasting impact. What are your ecotips?
The most effective habit one can adopt on a daily, individual basis to offset climate change is consume a plant-based diet.
Regularly clean out the stuff in your cloud storage drives and email. All that storage takes energy to maintain.
Reduce consumption and attempt to fix things when they break, rather than buying new.
Dry your laundry outside instead of using the dryer
If we need hot water from sink (or shower) we keep a gallon glass jar near to fill while water warms - use this in a filtration for drinking or for plants!
Use bar soaps and bar shampoos instead of those in plastic containers.
Always keep reuseable tote bags in your car for grocery shopping and take a set of utensils to use at work! 💚
I agree with all this except... the books. Authors are artists and when you buy books, you support those artists and their art. Libraries are a fantastic resource, and we also shouldn't feel guilty for supporting artists. Now junk mail that lands in our mailboxes every week... let's tackle that wasteful marketing tactic.