Of course we all love Menstrual Health Day as it increases awareness and promotes education around periods, period poverty and menstrual equity in Canada and around the world. However, periods are an everyday thing. It’s our health. It’s ensuring everyone who menstruates has access to period products, clean facilities, and health education. Menstruating with dignity is a human right. Menstrual Health Day is every day, period. 🩸 #MHDay2024
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As #MenstrualHealthAwarenessMonth is coming to an end, here are some important takeaways: 1. Menstrual health is not a “women issue” but a human rights issue. 2. Lack of menstrual hygiene management facilities and products impacts productivity and causes economic losses. 3. Globally 1 in 4 girls misses school due to lack of access to sanitary products, period pain or inadequate sanitary facilities. 4. Ending menstrual stigma means openly talking about menstruation, access to menstrual products and facilities as well as its impact on overall health. It is also about educating all genders about menstruation. 5. Governments, international organisations, schools and institutions must all address this issue. Let us all do our parts to build a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. 🌍
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Breaking the stigma of menstruation starts with breaking the silence. Engaging men and boys in menstrual health education is crucial for creating a #periodfriendlyworld! Together, we can break down barriers and build a future where everyone feels safe and comfortable to talk about menstrual health and ask for help with dignity. #MenstrualHealth #MenstrualEquity #SafeCycle
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This #WorldMenstrualHygieneDay, we stand for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. 🩸 Where periods are a normal part of life, not a source of shame or limitation. Women and girls deserve to manage their period with dignity & comfort. WILD advocates for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld where: 🔹️Women and girls have access to safe & affordable menstrual products. 🔹️Menstrual health education empowers girls and women. 🔹️Periods do not hold women and girls from reaching their full potential. Menstrual health is a fundamental human right! #EndPeriodPoverty. Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld!!
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Management Expert| Community Development Enthusiast| Women Empowerment| Personal Empowerment Coach| Mentor| Multifaceted Leader & Trainer| Humanitarian| Entrepreneur| Public Speaker
Enhancing Access to Menstrual Health Products Access to menstrual health products is essential for the dignity, health, and participation of women and girls in society. Yet, many face challenges in accessing these products due to cost, availability, and social stigma. Policies that address menstrual equity by providing free or affordable products in schools, workplaces, and public facilities can help reduce period poverty and its associated health risks. Additionally, public education campaigns can help break down the stigma surrounding menstruation. Together, we can advocate for policies that ensure all women and girls have access to the menstrual health products they need. #MenstrualHealth #PeriodPoverty #HealthEquity #Menstruation
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According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), barely half of adolescent girls’ in India are prepared for Menstruation, that's going to be part of their lives. This lack of knowledge can lead to fear, confusion, and sometimes shame. Education and open conversations around menstruation is a step to raise awareness and break the stigma for the future generation. #Mahinekewohdin #BreakTheTaboo #PeriodPositive #InclusiveMenstruation #EndPeriodShame
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The menstrual health gap affects millions worldwide, impacting education, health, and economic opportunities. Our mission is to improve the well-being of women to thrive in all their diversity across all life stages. Learn how we drive structural change to close the menstrual health gap: https://bit.ly/4bQ99mY
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Did you know that attending school is a key indicator of girls' well-being and future success? Splash's menstrual health education programs engage parents, teachers, boys, and peers in order to shift norms, reduce stigma, and empower girls to reach their full potential. Learn more about our menstrual health initiatives here: https://ow.ly/hJRi50RFVHK #MHDay2024
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Education is key to good menstrual hygiene It's time to break the silence and empower girls and women with knowledge! Good menstrual hygiene is essential for health, dignity, and education. Let's tackle myths with facts and ensure everyone has access to the resources they need for a healthy period. #MenstrualHygieneAwareness #PeriodPositive #Periods #PeriodPower #MenstruationMatters #MyBodyMyChoice #HealthEducation #WomensHealth #PeriodsWithoutLimits #endperiodstigma #PeriodPoverty #MenstrualEquity #SustainablePeriods #ReproductiveRights #reincarnationassociationcauses #reincarnationasssociationngo #menstrualhygieneawareness #MHDay #periodtalk #NoShameInTheGame #ThisIsNormal #OwningYourFlow
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The lack of proper menstrual health hygiene for girls can impact their school attendance, result in poor academic performance, lead to school dropout, unwanted pregnancies, and cause stress and shame among peers. By 2030, we aim to ensure access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for everyone and end open defecation, with a special focus on the needs of women, girls, and those in vulnerable situations. We strive to make menstruation a normal and accepted part of life by 2030. #girls #girlshealth #menstrualhealth #menstrualhygiene
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Education is key to good menstrual hygiene It's time to break the silence and empower girls and women with knowledge! Good menstrual hygiene is essential for health, dignity, and education. Let's tackle myths with facts and ensure everyone has access to the resources they need for a healthy period. #MenstrualHygieneAwareness #PeriodPositive #Periods #PeriodPower #MenstruationMatters #MyBodyMyChoice #HealthEducation #WomensHealth #PeriodsWithoutLimits #endperiodstigma #PeriodPoverty #MenstrualEquity #SustainablePeriods #ReproductiveRights #reincarnationassociationcauses #reincarnationasssociationngo #menstrualhygieneawareness #MHDay #periodtalk #NoShameInTheGame #ThisIsNormal #OwningYourFlow
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