Today a post about the importance of community.
Back in my ACDIS days I had a lot of community. Boards, committees, a membership of 7,000. I left all that behind when I resigned in March 2022.
Communities are hard. There is a tendency for group-think, and rounding off the sharp, important edges on ideas. There are hurt feelings, and politics. Folks feel alienated, unfairly criticized.
Leading a community can be wearing. After 15 years of leading ACDIS I needed a break.
I’ve had one, closing in on two years now.
Now community is calling me again. Why?
Communities can spark new ideas that you don’t have.
They can get you out of your funk, and combat loneliness, and personal and professional isolation.
ACDIS members left the conference with new ideas for chart reviews or department expansion or provider engagement, but more than that, they felt like there was someone else like them, who was dealing with the same problems. They left feeling heard, and part of something bigger.
That’s why I feel the need for community again.
I don’t think social media can ever fill that need. There is no real give and take on social media. It feels a little like an act, very little of substance generated. A lot of heat, not a lot of light.
To be honest, I have tried to rejoin a community, failed, but am doubling down in 2024. I seem to have a tendency to attract people that want to sell me services, which is a little discouraging. It’s not what I’m after, so I’m being more transparent.
I’m not selling you anything, and I’d appreciate it if you did the same. I’m here to connect and share ideas, and commiserate, and celebrate success, and do all the things good communities do.
I’m beginning to explore a couple of communities that serve the profession I’m in, branding and marketing. Both for the ideas, but also for the sake of being in the company of like-minded people.
I’m keeping in mind that a “community” need not be an association, or anything large scale. 2-3 people can form a personal community, and in some respects serve the same function as large scale with better efficiency. So that might be the option I pursue.
Do you belong to a community, local or national, personal or professional?
If not, do you feel the same need, or absence?
What steps are you taking to grow your community?
BTW I’ll be at the ACDIS conference in April, for many reasons including promoting Norwood, the company I love, and our mid-revenue cycle services. But also to reconnect with a broader community. Hope to see you there.
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