Thomas.Matthews ’s Post

The UK’s new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws are here. Shifting the cost of packaging disposal from taxpayers to producers, this change aims to reduce material footprints, encourage sustainable packaging, and revolutionise the design industry. Sophie Thomas, Founding Director of Thomas.Matthews, joined Margaret Bates to discuss the role of designers in this shift with Rob Alderson at Design Week: EPR aims to mainstream sustainability conversations, empowering designers to push for responsible solutions, and it is crucial that designers engage clients in positive conversations about future-proofing their packaging strategies as the financial and environmental stakes rise. 🗨️ As Sophie explains: “Every brief needs to be rewritten, and every step needs to be rethought. We need to stop designing for obsolescence and start building things to last. If a client wants to use something that’s beautiful but not recyclable, then they could end up paying considerably more. The responsibility of the designer to really understand the materials becomes very critical at that point.” More than just regulation, this is an opportunity for innovation – a brilliant step forward, not just for packaging, but for design sustainability overall. Read the article in full here ➡️ #PackagingDesign #CircularEconomy #Innovation 

  • Sophie Thomas features in the article, A designer’s guide to the new EPR packaging laws, by Design Week
Chris DeArmitt - PhD, FRSC, FIMMM

World-Class Plastic Materials Consultant & Independent Environmental Expert | Award-Winning Keynote Speaker | Author of The Plastics Paradox | Microplastics Thought Leader | Class Action Expert Witness


Shifting responsibility to those who are not responsible for it. Now the taxpayer pays twice - once through taxes then again through increased cost of the product. Not wise.

Albert Motel, CRP

Resource Recovery & Sustainable Materials Management/Manager of Waste and Recycling at Villanova University/TRUE Advisor for Zero Waste


EPR makes sense, so long as it is done properly and all money is reinvested into reverse supply chains and material recovery efforts. If you don’t believe me, just look at the lead acid battery industry for an example of how producers, consumers, and governments all play their part properly. EPR can be done incorrectly and fail miserably though. Just look at Pennsylvania’s Covered Device Recovery Act 108 of 2010 for an example of failed EPR. Here’s an EPR success, but EPR isn’t the only necessary component that created this result: “For over 30 years, lead batteries have been recycled at a nearly perfect 99% rate, far outpacing any other consumer product, according to a recent recycling rate study” “Within a decade, nearly 40 states representing over 80% of the population enacted laws embracing these core principles: -Ban improper disposal in landfills to prevent releases; -Require all battery retailers also accept returns from consumers; -Mandate that manufacturers arrange for transportation and recycling; and -Incentivise consumer returns through refundable core charge deposits.”

Daniel O'Kelly

Strategic Advisor Corporate Communications, Brand Development, Marketing and business development. I share regular insights on relevant market trends, career growth, and strategy. Follow Me for updates!


This makes no sense at all, will automotive car producers now be responsible for disposal of end of life cars? Appliances manufacturers responsible for end of life washing machines? Suggest they make sure to design cars that last forever. The waste problem is far wider than just packaging.

Jean Pierre Doussoulin

Economist | Consultant | Circular economy & sustainability


Thank you for sharing. In the full text there is mention of percentages and other numbers. Could you share the source of these interesting numbers. 



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