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Check out this recent article from Technology Dispatch about TRACARTS in the link below. One interesting point covered is about how society gives props to those who return their carts, calling them 'good people.' While it might be easier to let carts loose, I always return mine due to the frustration of navigating a parking lot cluttered with carts or not finding one available. TRAC makes returning carts a win-win with personalized shopper rewards – sounds pretty cool, right? However, TRAC also connects shoppers to their carts, enabling the store to identify which shoppers returned their carts and which haven't. Understanding the psychology of people wanting to be 'good,' I believe shoppers will make an effort to return carts now that they will be connected to them. What's your take on this? #TRACARTS #CartEtiquette #TellMeWhatYouThink #shoppingcartmanagement