Transforming brands + communities by listening + building solutions from the inside out. Love cities, big and small.
Would you live in housing developed by Costco Wholesale? This is quite a concept & one I think many will be watching to see if it can be successfully replicated - some highlights: - A TOD mixed-use project with 800 small units above a big-box store with 184 set aside for low-income tenants (decent %) - modular construction, which uses prefabricated units built off site, should reduce building costs - Costco’s ties to the residential development aren’t much more than a shared building and underground parking garage, but the retail chain needs the housing in order to get permits to open at this location (this aspect is interesting!) - some South Central community leaders have expressed concern that, despite the need for family- and senior-friendly housing, the majority of these units will likely go to young singles. (bcuz of the small 350-605 sq/ft floor plans)
350 sq ft tho???
This project will be one to watch.
Business Coach * Solutions Engineer * Strategist * Entrepreneur * Public Speaker * I help people and businesses grow
2moI think it's an interesting model...If we are going to address the affordable housing shortage, all fair options should be on the table. I shop at Costco, and find most of what they offer to be great quality. If they don't lower their standards on housing, may be a win win.