The Philanthropic sector needs a shift and not just a verbal one.
As a personally impacted Black mother of 3 and Executive Director of a non-profit that took on subgranting purely out of solidarity during crisis, I want to be clear:
If you wanted to, you would.
I met some of the most brilliant minds in the sector this week. Some of the most values aligned, powerhouses that exist in Philanthropy surely.
While we navigate ongoing crisis in my state, in this country and the world itself, I feel it necessary to ground ourselves in our whys.
I listened to countless Philanthropists mention who's most impacted and how they "want money to go to community." That's beautiful and how do you put that in practice.
Respectfully, Philanthropy by large is NOT funding organizations that meet basic needs, that have programs that incorporate cash payments and direct services or that resource share on a community level. Y'all make these statements then return home to fund cute programming of organizations that can survive without y'all providing general operating costs.
Y'all tell me that there's simply processes that I wouldn't understand. That I'm missing objectivity when I ask yall how to contend with very real white supremacist metrics in funding spaces. The thing is though, what you're really saying is that I need to leave a piece of my humanity behind. That the life experiences that ground me in my work don't have a place in Philanthropy and that's a problem.
If my small organization can decide QUICKLY to resource share and move 1/6 of our money to other underfunded orgs within 1 week of them being selected, yall could too.
This has to be liberation work. We all need our job security AND we are trying to get folks free. I don't want to hear why you can't make steps in that direction while you sit on 300k+ salaries. While there's trillions in endowment. What are we waiting on? The time was yesterday.
Folks are dying and I'm not going to let up. I believe in us as a collective and our ability to do better.
I would love to talk more about this with Philanthropists as I have my own personal learning opportunities in this work.
Master Artist. Certified Herbalist. Fundraiser. Lover of Joy
2moThanks for sharing my words! If you’re reading this comment, I say thank you for reading this piece and ask that you learn of the experiences, joys and love of community from a Black Pholanthropist this month. 🙏🏽🦋💖