Tennessee STEM Education Center (TSEC)’s Post

As 2024 draws to a close, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to those who make our mission possible. 🌟 To our faculty partners: Your unwavering dedication inspires and empowers others to transform STEM education. 🤝 To our research partners: Your collaboration has led to remarkable achievements this year, and we’re excited to carry this momentum into 2025! 💼 To our center’s staff and student workers: You are the backbone of our operations, working tirelessly behind the scenes to keep us thriving. Your contributions are invaluable. This Thanksgiving, we celebrate not just the season but the incredible community we are privileged to work with. Happy Thanksgiving from the Tennessee STEM Education Center (TSEC) P.S. We had a blast at our potluck and learned we have some brushing up to do on Thanksgiving trivia! After a close tie, it all came down to one question: Which U.S. President first pardoned a turkey? 🦃

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