We had a Happy Hour party at the studio with some guests from SFO, and had our own take on Hot Ones! Thanks everyone for being amazing and joining!!! SFOからのゲストを迎えて、スタジオハッピーアワーをおこないました!今回の目玉は、Ubiアレンジを加えたHot Onesでした!参加してくれた勇気あるみなさん、ありがとうございます!
Ubisoft Osaka’s Post
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Transformation & Positive Intelligence Coach | Teacher on Insight Timer 🎧 280.000+ Listens | Speaker | Author | Ultimate Guide for Executive Assistants | Change Champion
If you missed the JOYFEST 360° submission deadline, you are in luck! Please take a look at 🔆 Dennis Pitocco's below post and send in your "What sparks my joy?" video before May 3rd! More Voices => More Joy! Love and light! #JoyFest #ShareYourJoy #JOYFEST360 #ipekw #IpekWilliamsonCoaching
GOOD NEWS! MISSED OUR JOYFEST 360° DEADLINE? We've reopened the "last chance" door for even more videos, as our "Signature Edition" of JOYFEST 360° is now in the works with all the original videos plus more! Deadline Friday, May 3rd. SCAN BELOW or click here to bring your JOY to the world: https://lnkd.in/e4hGyyz8
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Promoting the value of your product in a creative way? Team5pm & KPN show how it’s done! 🚀 KPN is THE internet provider for gamers. Over the years, we have come up with several formats to reach exactly this target group with KPN’s super fast fiber connection. After 8 seasons of Legends of Gaming, and an immense brand awareness coming with it, we are introducing: KPN Legend Sollicitaties 💼🎮 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 KPN knows & acknowledges the Dutch gaming community. So, we have launched a talent show format. KPN is searching for the biggest talents that make the most out of KPN’s Glasvezel when gaming at home and making gaming content with it.⚡ As the two winners immediately play in the current LOGS8-tournament, the whole talent show was phrased as a job application: From the job offer web page to a ‘Legends of Gaming Office’ set - it’s all about applying for becoming a brand new Legend of Gaming. Provided by KPN Glasvezel, applicants were able to do their interview & gameplay audition from their home setups. 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐬𝐨? To showcase online gaming through KPN Glasvezel as the USP of the series.💡 We produced 3 long-form videos, shared on the LOG YouTube channel. Check out the first video now. 👇🎥 Thanks to KPN for their trust! You want to reach your target group in the most unique way possible? Reach out to us! 💪 #KPN #Team5pm #LOGSollicitaties
NIEUWE LEGENDS GEZOCHT! | Legend Sollicitaties
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A lineup to: 👀 1. **** 2. ***** ****** 3. ******** 4. ****** ******* 🤗 🤔 😎
Najwyższa pora ogłosić światu, że jako _game changer robimy swój pierwszy w Polsce Festiwal Muzyczny na #roblox! 😎 🎶 VIRTUAL VIBES! 🎵 Festiwal, który potrwa 2 miesiące! Celujemy aby na koncercie głównym było 100k osób w jednym momencie 😱 Będzie gruuubo! 🤘 💪 ✅ Mamy już potwierdzony lineup! 🔜 Kolejne karty będziemy odkrywać regularnie! Stay tuned!
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#boozttech #conference #internal #knowledgesharing #people I like to praise, I like to appreciate, I love to be proud of what I'm doing and who I'm working with. And the annual internal conference at Boozt. was a perfect opportunity to experience it. Łukasz Pawłowski - player for game-changing excellence. KUDOS for you! Conducting periodic meetings for organizers from 5 locations, checking what stage tasks are at, keeping an eye on deadlines, preparing clear communication and taking care of every detail in the preparation phase as well as during the conference itself. I could probably create a long list of things you took care of while working on organizing another internal conference in Boozt. But most important is that both presenters and participants felt safe and taken care of, thanks to your and the entire team's efforts. So it is not without reason that our CTO called you the MVP of this conference. You make a difference. It's good to be a part of such a team. It's a pleasure to watch well-organized work.
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Director of VoC Program at MISUMI Group Inc | Promoting CX and VoC(Voice of the Customer) activities in the manufacturing industry for over 12 years | Co-founder of Japan CX Professional Network
(This is the English version of my previous post.) ■ "THE ROAD NOT TAKEN" and Corporate Culture Last weekend, I bought a book called "Yotaro Kobayashi - A CEO of 'Belief in mankind as fundamentally good '". It is a biography of Kobayashi(1933-2015), the former chairman of 'Fuji Xerox' (hereafter 'FX'), where I joined more than 20 years ago and worked for about 15 years, and who was one of Japan's leading international managers. And what made me the biggest impression was the poem titled "THE ROAD NOT TAKEN". ----- Two roads diverged in a wood, and I? I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. ----- This is a line from a poem by Robert Frost, a national poet of the United States, and was introduced in the book that said, "This poem has been the spiritual pillar of FX since the company's founding, and many employees still recite it fondly." I remember this poem, of course and have a strong impression that I was allowed to do a lot of things while I was at FX by just explaining with enthusiasm, "Why do we do this? Because this seems more difficult and no one has done it yet." I think there was an atmosphere or a psychological safety within the company where managers would understand and say, "Oh, I see, then why don't you try it?" I felt that this may have been due to the fact that this poem had permeated the employees at the time. This poem was actually often quoted by Joe Wilson, the former president of Xerox Corporation whom Kobayashi respected the most. I felt that Kobayashi's continued belief that "this is what FX aims to be" along with his admiration for Wilson, and that employees who sympathized with this belief gathered together, may have been one of the driving forces that have allowed FX to attract various people as an attractive company for decades since its founding. (There are good and bad sides to everything, and I think there were side effects such as not being able to continue steadily and letting other companies take the good parts, or being prone to becoming dependent...) One of the most important things in my current CX job is to create a "customer-centric culture". It is sometimes said that "efforts to directly change culture are bound to fail*," but this book was a rare find for me, as it taught me how corporate culture is created, both the good and the bad, as a case study. *: I think it's the same as saying, "Profit is important, but you shouldn't pursue profit directly." <Other interesting points> - The key to leadership is "humility." Humility is honestly acknowledging that there are other good ideas besides your own. Being tolerant and open to new ideas creates creativity. (During a boring meeting, Kobayashi was taking notes nonstop. Looking over, he was writing a lot of "listen!". He wanted to comment quickly, but he held back, and was restraining himself without making a face.)
Director of VoC Program at MISUMI Group Inc | Promoting CX and VoC(Voice of the Customer) activities in the manufacturing industry for over 12 years | Co-founder of Japan CX Professional Network
■「THE ROAD NOT TAKEN(誰も行かなかった道)」と企業文化 (English version is reposted.) 先週末にブックオフに行ったら、「小林陽太郎 ― 「性善説」の経営者」という本が、200円と格安で売られているのを発見。 私が20年以上前に新卒で入社して約15年間お世話になった富士ゼロックス(以下FX)の元会長で、日本を代表する国際派の経営者である小林元会長の評伝。 懐かしいな、安いしちょっと読んでみようかなと、気軽な気持ちで読み始めてみましたが、私が在籍していた当時、あるいはその前に起きた様々な出来事が、小林元会長や歴代の経営幹部の視点からも書かれていて、かなり楽しめました。 で、一番印象深かったのが、冒頭タイトルの詩。 ----- Two roads diverged in a wood, and I? (森の中で道が二手に分かれていた。そして私は…) I took the one less traveled by, (私は、人があまり通ったことのない方の道を選んだ) And that has made all the difference. (そのことが、すべてを変えた) ----- これは、アメリカの国民的詩人ロバート・フロストの詩の一節で、「創業から長くFXの精神的支柱となった、今なおこの詩を愛唱する社員は少なくない」との本の中で紹介されていました。 確かに私も入社式でこの詩を紹介され、初めて生で見る小林元会長の強烈なオーラと共に、なぜかとても印象に残っていたのが、蘇りました。 FX在籍時には、かなり好き勝手なことも色々やらせてもらった印象が強いですが、「なぜこれをやるのか? それはこっちの方が難しそうで、誰もまだやってなさそうだからです」と熱意を持って説明すれば、わりと「あ、なるほど、じゃやってみれば」と理解してもらえる雰囲気というか安心感が、社内にはあったと思っており、その背景には、この詩が当時の社員の間に浸透していたこともあるかもしれないと改めて感じました。 そして、この素晴らしい風土こそ、小林元会長が作られてきたFXの企業文化だったのかもしれません。 なお、今回始めて知ったのですが、実は、この詩は、小林元会長が最も尊敬し、コピー機の商品化に成功したゼロックス・コーポレーション元社長ジョー・ウィルソンがよく引用した詩だったそうです。 「これこそがFXの目指す姿である」と小林元会長が、ウィルソンさんへの敬愛の念と共に思い続け、そしてそれに共感した社員が集まってきたことが、FXが創業期から何十年も、魅力的な会社として様々な人を引き付ける原動力の一つになっていたのかもしれないと、感じました。 (物事には良い面と悪い面があり、新しいことにはどんどん挑戦するが、長続きしない、地道な継続ができず他社に良いところを持っていかれる、甘えが出がち、などの副作用も存在したと思ってますが…。) 今の私の仕事である「VOC活用によるカスタマーエクスペリエンス向上」で最も重要なことの一つに、顧客中心の「企業文化」を作ることがあります。企業文化に関しては「企業文化を直接変えようという取り組みは必ず失敗する*」と言われることがありますが、企業文化はこうして作られるのだということが、良い面も悪い面も含めてケーススタディとしても学べる、私にとってはなかなか掘り出し物の一冊でした。 *:「文化を変えるには文化そのものではなく、ビジネスそのものを変えなくてはならない」というわけで、会社にとって「利益は大事だが利益を直接追ってはならない」というのと同じような話ですね <その他興味深かった点> ・厳しい環境の中でもあえて「性善説」(相互信頼)を大事にする ・リーダーシップのキーは、「謙虚さ」にある。謙虚ということは自分以外にもいいアイデアがあることを素直に認めること。新しいアイデアに寛容、オープンであることで、創造性が生まれる。 (つまらない会議で、小林元会長がひたすらと盛んにメモ。覗き込むと「hear, hear」といっぱい書き連ねていた。早くコメントしたいのに我慢して、嫌な顔せず自戒自制していた) ・アジャイル開発の元になった開発管理手法「刺身状開発」を生み出した(分業でなく、各部門がオーバーラップしながら進むことで暗黙知を共有) ・商品の宣伝ではなく、企業自らのメッセージを社会に届けるために広告を使う「ビューティフル」キャンペーンで広告業界に革命。直接売上貢献効果は薄いが、企業認知向上、優秀人材確保で後から大きな成果。 ・自分という次元を超えて、より善きことを目指す(良識)。意思決定は、最終的には「なぜやるのか」が問われる。そこで必要になるのはリベラル・アーツ。 #voc #customerexperience #culture #xerox #fujixerox
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Long check-in queues and waivers can frustrate guests at Family Entertainment Centers (FECs). 😟 Kids get impatient, parents get annoyed, and the fun fizzles out before it even begins! 💡 VenueSumo automates waivers and speeds up check-ins, cutting down wait times and letting your guests get to the fun ASAP! Keep the excitement high and guest lines short with VenueSumo! #FEC #VenueManagement #CustomerExperience #Efficiency #VenueSumo
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GARUDALYTICS extends its heartfelt greetings on the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi 💕 May Lord Ganesha bless everyone with wisdom, prosperity, and new opportunities for growth 💫 As we celebrate this festival, let's embrace unity, joy, and positive beginnings. 😇 Wishing you all success and happiness in the year ahead!" 😇 #GaneshChaturthi2024 #FestivalGreetings #UnityAndProsperity #Garudalytics #BlessingsForSuccess #NewBeginnings #CelebrationTime"
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A digital working/activity environment in academic space; Eishinkan school's “Metaverse Juku” is flooded with applications. #ovice #digitalworkplace #metaverse #school #academic
【日経新聞で、oviceを活用したメタバース塾の様子が紹介されました】 九州の学習塾大手「英進館」が行うメタバース塾「バーチャルキャンパス」。小学4年生から中学3年生までの約150人が在籍し、なかには東京都や離島、海外から「通う」児童・生徒の方々もいるそうです📝 https://lnkd.in/g_pjcxFg
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Here's to more laughs, more action and more love with GOtv (Let's make 2024 unforgettable with GOtv's Step Up offer) Hey there, GOtv family! As we edge closer to the final weeks of our exciting Step Up offer, ending Sunday 31 March, we're here to remind you that the party's not over yet! Upgrade your package now, and we'll happily bump you up to the next level, at no extra charge. It's our way of giving you the best of the best entertainment whilst making sure you have access to even more of the content you love. Imagine more comedies that have you rolling with laughter, more dramas that have you on the edge of your seat, and more kiddie shows that have the little ones dreaming big. That's the magic of GOtv – bringing more entertainment into every home, making every moment more enjoyable, and every night more special. Why Choose GOtv? Because we believe in spreading value and joy through a diverse selection of content that caters to all ages and interests. Step Up journey: - Lite to Value: Step into GOtv Plus. - Value to Plus: Upgrade to GOtv Max. - Plus to Max: Explore the world of GOtv Supa. - Supa to Supa+: Fall in love with GOtv Supa+. There's still time to jump on the upgrade bandwagon! So don't let this amazing opportunity slip by. Head over to the MyGOtv app or www.gotvafrica.com/en-gh/ to boost your viewing experience. If you’re on go, download the GOtv Stream to stay connected with your favourite prorgammes. With GOtv, it's all about more fun, more value, and more memories to savour. Let's make every day a celebration with GOtv!
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WORLD PREMIERE: "Attuning to life's gifts, appreciating them, and sharing our delight creates joy that ripples through friends, family, and the world." In a heartwarming video filled with gifts of joy, my special moment begins at 1:55:32. https://lnkd.in/dBUSt_TX
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Sr. Business Recruiter @ PTW
2moYum, how was the sauce?