Uniting Springwood resident Jirina shows us all the benefits of marching to the beat of your own drum. 🥁 Like many residents, 101-year-old Jirina loves Drum Class and the chance to bang out a few tunes. "All the residents love it! It's good movement for them, there's good music and it just brings a good feeling to the place," says Uniting Springwood Leisure and Wellness Coordinator - Virginia Ellis. "We put music on the big screen for all to follow - staff join in and we make heaps of noise and all love it." Rock on, Jirina 💜 #WeAreUniting #AgedCare #VideoOFTheDay #love #life
Nice way to start the new year 💙
Coordinator | Uniting Links to Early Learning SWS
1wDrumming is such a wonderful music activity for all ages, love this! Well done all 👏