Remote Jobs in HR | Connecting Human Resources (HR) Professionals With Remote & Hybrid Opportunities
15 percent of private industry workers had access to a defined benefit retirement plan : The Economics Daily: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics In March 2023, 15 percent of private industry workers had access to a defined benefit plan. Defined benefit plans provide employees with guaranteed retirement benefits based on plan formulas. Defined contribution plans determine the value of individual accounts based on the amount of money contributed and the rate of return on the money invested. This type of plan was more widely available to private industry workers as 67 percent of workers had access. Find more Hiring, Layoff & Job Market Trends at Remote Jobs In HR - #Hiring #Layoffs #HiringTrends #HumanResources #JobOpening #Recruiting #TalentManagement #CareerOpportunities #EmploymentTrends #WorkforcePlanning #Unemployment #Jobs #Business #JobCuts #Economy #JobSearch #EmploymentLaw #JobMarketJobSearch #EmploymentLaw