Do help if you can
Hello everyone!! 👋 Today is the final day of our charity for me&dee charity. One month after the London marathon. We have raised £4478 and got 89% of our target. 💪 In one last ditch attempt to reach our goal I wanted to post a picture of Baasit and I when we were kids, hoping that this shameless act of sentimentality would encourage a few final donations. 🙏 However, this is the only old photo I could find of us both. And no, it wasn’t taken from the Derbyshire Constabulary database. As much as I hope this picture has the desired outcome, I feel that it may result in us having to return some of the donations. 😃 Anyways…. From the bottom of our hearts, a massive thank you to everyone who donated, to everyone who shared the donation page and to everyone who sent us a message of encouragement. 🥰 We love you lots. Baasit & Raza ❤️❤️❤️ (the link will be live a for a few more days if you’d care to share or donate)