We have doubled our capacity at Hønefoss with three new operators hired, in addition to Eivind Rosén, who will be heading up our daily operations at Hønefoss. Construction of the facility is progressing, and we are please to note that several new local jobs have already been created 💚 #biocarbon #greenindustry
Vow Green Metals’ Post
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Its time that extended producer responsibility schemes and governments respect the 2018 Waste Framework Directive and the 2019 Single Use Products Directive and properly fund litter prevention programmes and awareness raising. Besides, more and better prevention will help cut the cleansing bill at a fraction of the cost of the actual cleaning! Shame on the EU Council of Ministers for removing the clause in the Packaging Regulation currently being finalised that would exonerate Member States from ensuring proper collection infrastructure is in place in the public space. Shame on the European Parliament for accepting the deletion of this provision, which it proposed! How can we win the battle against litter when European governments and companies ignore their responsibilities? Time to step up!
2023-resultatene fra Norges eneste kartleggingsprorgam for forsøpling foreligger. I innlandsområder dominerer søppel som stammer fra personlig forbruk, og de vanligste funnene langs norske vassdrag og innsjøer er drikkevareemballasje, tobakkrelatert forsøpling og godteri- og snacksemballasje. Vi venter nå spent på implementeringen av engangsplastdirektivet i Norge, og vårt håp er at Norge velger en offensiv implementering som adresserer norske forsøplingsproblemer, som snus. Videre håper vi at det innlemmes krav til å adressere forsøplingsrisiko i den kommende revideringen av produsentansvarsordningene. #sammenmotforsøpling
Ny kunnskap om forsøpling i innlandsområder - holdnorgerent
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CEO of HUB Ocean. Friend of Ocean Action. Passionate about putting an "AND" between industry growth AND thriving nature. Board Member in Agriculture, Aquaculture & Fisheries, Renewable Energy, and Tech.
R E S P E C T, Lasse Kristoffersen! 👊🏼 Thanks for your courageous leadership. Let your words be an inspiration for the job we each have to do. Along my own path, I had the opportunity, as the head of Microsoft in Norway, to engage in bringing a profoundly better level of ocean intelligence to actors across sectors - to enable everyone to make the right decisions to reduce the pressure we have put on this earth’s single most important eco-system. Aker ASA has supported this endevour from the start and many others have joined the cause, and it became for me, such a compelling way to makes a difference, that I decided to lead HUB Ocean. The #OceanDataPlatform has been built, ready for impact, and the voyage ahead is exciting. Not a moment too soon, as our ocean shows its pain in ever-increasing ways, including warming, bleeching, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Thanks Lasse, also for supporting open ocean data sharing. Leaders across ocean-industries should take inspiration and do the same. Together, we can help our ocean thrive - so it can continue to allow us to survive. #oceanservices #decarbonization. #greencorridors #biodiversitynetpositive #oceandata #bluefood. #offshorewind
Jeg har en stund gått og grublet på hvorfor vi i Norge tror vi tar klimaansvar mens vi i realiteten er en sinke. Det til tross for at vi har blitt verdens rikeste på å eksporte global oppvarming. Har skrevet litt om det i denne kronikken. https://lnkd.in/dbR_bcrF
Tid for norsk selverkjennelse
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Exciting possibilities ahead within biogas in Norway: “Smart decarbonisation” .
Stortingsrepresentant for Senterpartiet Hans Inge Myrvold og medlem i Energi- og miljøkomiteen taler til forsamlingen på Biogasskonferansen 2024! Han løfter frem behovet for å satse på sirkulære næringer og forutsigbare rammevilkår! 🌱 «Vi trenger en ny strategi for biogass og vi må tørre å utvikle bionova», var en del avslutningen hans. Vi er helt enige! 🌱
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We look very much forward at Tusen Vin to start our project in the vineyard - with support of GUDP - Grønt Udviklings- & Demonstrationsprogram - where we will test 3 different methods to fight against mold diseases in organic grape farming. Read more in the link below (in Danish) if you want to know more. #organicfarming #danskvin #tusenvin
Svampesygdommen Botrytis reducerer udbyttet på de økologiske vinmarker i Danmark 🍇 🍷 Branchen mangler bekæmpelsesmidler til at sikre kvalitet og kvantitet. Derfor vil et nyt projekt under GUDP udvikle tre metoder til danske vinbønders værktøjskasse, der skal sikre et mere stabilt udbytte over tid. ”Hvis vi blot kan gå ind og dyrke en procentdel mere vindruer på den samme vinmark, som før ville være gået til spilde, så vil det reducere vores miljøbelastning. Det ser vi frem til, og så ser vi også frem til, at vores strategi kan bidrage med nogle værktøjer til at have en sund og velpasset mark” fortæller projektleder Esben Misfeldt fra Tusen Vin 👀 Hvordan projektet vil bære sig ad, fortæller vi meget mere om via linket i kommentarsporet.
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Senior Executive I Board Member I Renewables I Offshore Wind I Energy Hubs I Energy Islands I PtX I Hydrogen I Onshore Wind I Solar PV I Energy Storage I Group Senior Vice President, Renewables and PtX at COWI
In EnergiWatch article today, I share my view on the outlook for the renewables market for 2024, and in particular the outlook for the offshore wind market in 2024. Last year was a turbulent, if not outright difficult, year for the renewable energy industry. Especially due to wind projects being postponed and the level of costs being too high, but every cloud has a silver lining: The last months of 2023 showed positive development in terms of significantly higher Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) prices for offshore wind farm projects in both the US and the UK, which bodes well for 2024. On the other hand, the offshore wind supply chain is still facing challenges. In the article, I also discuss how COWI is helping the industry with various design solutions that can help build up a robust local supply chain, which will simultaneously reduce the carbon footprint of the design for the wind farm's structures and components. 👇 #offshorewind #renewables #marketinsights #renewableenergy #windenergy #greenhydrogen #offshorewindfarm #supplychain
Forsyningskæden får dog svært ved at følge med udbygningen, hvis ikke der foretages en række tiltag, siger COWIs direktør for aktiviteter inden for vedvarende energi, Jan Behrendt Ibsø.
Cowi-direktør ser positive takter i havvind: "Politikerne har taget notits"
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Social entrepreneur, Healthcare, Secure Telemedicine, Events and Ambassador Digital Healthcare (10 500+)
Norwegian revolutionary cancer research company Hemispherian AS with ground-breaking development. Can completely change how cancer treatment will be in the future without the known toxic side effects treatment often has today. With its investment in the GLIX molecules, the company can become the new giant in cancer treatment. So far all studies show a very good effect and no registered side effects. This could really be a company more investors should consider investing in. https://lnkd.in/dMRuQ9-d
Vi har Intervjuet Zeno Albisser som er CEO I Hemispherian AS . Selskapet introduserer et helt nytt behandlingsprinsipp som kan revolusjonere kreftbehandlingen. Selskapet skal nå i gang med kliniske studier og betegnes av mange som noe av det mest spennende som foregår innen moderne kreftbehandling. https://lnkd.in/dQGFRzby
Norske Hemispherian lager fremtidens kreftbehandling!
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⏳The deadline to apply for a Norec Grant is approaching fast! This is a unique opportunity for your company to engage in international exchange and collaboration, fostering reciprocal learning and knowledge sharing in line with SDG 17. With a grant from Norec, workplaces send young employees on exchange to another country to work at a partner institution for an extended period of time - 6 - 12 months. The end game, you ask? Well… 💥The employee gains valuable international work experience, gains new ideas and skills. 💥When the employees return, the entire organisation benefits from what they have learned 💥The organisations are better positioned to use the new learning to innovate solutions for our global challenges 💥Internationalization, intercultural communication, and diversity competence flourish 💥Companies get insight into local conditions in new markets and reduce their risks Check here to check if your company qualifies for the grant -https://lnkd.in/dmDVJf_f
🌏🤝 Søk støtte til ditt internasjonale prosjekt! No er det berre åtte dagar til søknadsfristen den 15. august – og årets sjanse for å finne ut om utveksling er noko for deg og dine internasjonale samarbeidspartnarar. Med eit tilskot frå Norec til arbeidsutveksling kan bedrifta di: 🤝 Lære meir – Utveksle kunnskap, ekspertise og bestepraksis med bedrifter i andre land 🌏 Bli meir mangfaldig – Få ny innsikt frå dei skarpaste hovuda frå andre land 📈 Auke effektiviteten – Fleire tilsette gir større kapasitet i bedrifta 🚀 Utvide nedslagsfeltet – Få tilgang til heilt nye marknadar og nettverk Les meir i kommentarfeltet 👇
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The customer satisfaction must be the key objective of a company.
"Hos Hydroscand prioriterer vi vores kunder over alt andet" 🥇 – Frida Norrbom Sams, CEO hos Hydroscand. Hvert teammedlem hos Hydroscand, uanset hvilket job de har, deler ét mål: At overgå kundernes forventninger. Kundetilfredshed er vores højeste prioritet! 🤝 #Hydroscand #Kerneværdier #KundenFørst #CustomerFirst #Teamwork
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These years several project looks into finding circular, scalable methods and value chains to recycle composite materials. Several projects found ways to process and/or separate the composite materials. However, the big challenge has for many years and many project been to find “circular” use AND off-take of the quantaties necessary to recycle composites in the years to come. Both the cement-route as well as value chains involving pyrolysis and solvolysis are “hot topics” and being assessed these years. I look forward to participate in this panel discussion on these exact value chains and doing that together with my colleague Jakob Kraft Eltzholtz. #Recycling #Circularity #Windturbineblades #DecomBlades #MAKEEN
Kalder alle komposit-entusiaster! 🙌 Plastindustriens Kompositsektion inviterer alle interesserede til årets vigtigste kompositdebat d. 23. maj 2024. 🗣 📍 Hvor og 🕦 hvornår? BLOXHUB Bryghusgade 8, 3., 1473, København K Opstart kl. 11.30 Internationale eksperter inden for genanvendelse af kompositmaterialer præsenterer og diskuterer genanvendelsesprincipper og bæredygtige visioner for kompositmaterialer. Deltagerne kan bl.a. forvente: 👉 Mulighed for at netværke med resten af branchen 👉 God forplejning og en inspirerende atmosfære 👉 Kanalrundfart 👉 Middag om aftenen Ses vi? Der er et begrænset antal pladser, så meld dig til allerede nu. Find det komplette program og registrer dig herunder👇 https://lnkd.in/dADtvufs
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Advocate for a globally competitive #AUSTRALIANFUSIONENERGYINDUSTRY with strategic communications expertise.
Best invest in Building and talking about Fusion power, space, maritime propulsion systems and industry as data centres are. Great Headline, Guardian on Nuclear fission. https://lnkd.in/g8sMZtpR People talk about Nuclear (meaning Fission) and fail to discuss fusion. https://lnkd.in/ge_aeX7M The nuclear fission industry is ignorant of what's happening around it. It must pull its collective uranium heads out of the sand and prepare to enter the commercially growing fusion energy industry. Fission is moving towards obsolescence at an ever-increasing pace, as it is "out of step, out of time, out of place, and soon to be out of Fuel" and merely temporary. https://lnkd.in/gbd_mZqk By 2028, Helion is expected to start producing electricity from its first fusion commercial power plant, which will provide electricity to Microsoft. The plant will produce at least 50 MWe after an initial ramp-up period. https://lnkd.in/gY9J3MQY Now, see what is happening in the world of the fusion industry. https://lnkd.in/g9hMBD7a As fission trebles, fuel shortage is increasingly real, https://lnkd.in/gze5rwpr
Jeg tolker det som at Eivind Heløe i Fornybar Norge nå åpner for vindkraft som en transisjonsløsning men at vindkraft ikke nødvendigvis er den endelige løsningen for å nå bærekraftsmål.
Fornybar Norge: Åpner for å erstatte vindmøller med kjernekraft
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