Data centres are critical to today's society. We depend more than ever on technology and there is a myriad of critical operations that are performed online. Outages can cause data loss, communications downtime, and financial loss.⚡ The effectiveness of the data centre depends on the continuous availability of electrical power. Generator sets and alternators are essential to ensure stability, efficiency and power quality.💻 Following NBR ISO8528, IEC60034-1, NEMA MG-1 and NBR5117 standards, WEG alternators are capable of offering a fast and accurate response, with minimal interference in load variations. Trust in WEG's experience when choosing the right alternator and rely on us for complete technical support. #WEG #weareweg #WEGEnergy #SynchronousAlternators #WEGAlternators #PowerGeneration #DataCentre #DataCenter #DrivingEfficiency #DrivingSustainability #global #technology
MOD Shop Operator @ TECO Electric | Electrical Engineering
11moData centres use diesel driven alternator/generator with UPS to provide standby powers. But Customer seldom to buy alternator separately. So it’s better to have a packager to assemble alternator and Diesel engines together as one genset.