Most Practitioners are not competent in Appraisal, being the result of rogue Carriers having FORCED its conversion (incompetently or intentionally). The psychology is remarkable. Appraisal has been seriously altered over time to become a semblance, while the great majority of non-Experts have adopted the wrong practices as being right just because they were taught wrong. On one hand, I have heard many times - in objection to my arguments - that the ways in which (the new [so-called]) "Appraisals" are done is right, merely because "everybody does it" that way. Alternatively, I once read a book, which I cannot recall from long ago, stating, "Just because the whole world believes something doesn't mean it's true!" Also, there was a former world leader who commented generations ago that, "There are a whole lot of lies going around the world, and half of them are true!" Too often, it's like, "The blind leading the blind". "The earth is flat!" These so-called "Appraisals" done in their current form are rarely Appraisal. This imposter process is only CALLED Appraisal, but is a different ADR, just like Louisiana parroted. True Appraising is gone. When done right, Appraisal generates Indemnity. No Indemnity, then it's not Appraisal.
As an old grey haired guy, I am fortunate to spend a lot of time traveling around giving speeches about important topics in our industry. Perhaps the most important of those topics right now is the appraisal process.
A couple times each year, I have the honor of joining Chip Merlin on stage at Bob Norton's Insurance Appraisal and Umpire Association, Inc. certification programs. For over three hours, Chip and I discuss, debate, argue, and laugh about all things appraisal related.
The next class is coming up on July 24-25 in wonderful "Badgerland" (actually -- Park City, Utah). If you are an appraiser or umpire, I encourage you to join us in the mountains for this worthwhile event.
All the other info you need, including a registration link, is included in Chip's blog today.
The IAUA Is Coming to Badgerland—A Can't-Miss Opportunity for Appraisers and Umpires | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog