A census is one of the most important statistical instruments for a nation. With it, the government not only identifies current socio-demographic patterns but plans resource allocation. A badly implemented census will have deleterious consequences for the entire nation, but particularly for already marginalized communities. Please take the time to read and inform yourself regarding the OMB decision to move on with a multiracial division question on the census, which has already been called for its negative impacts not only on the instrument itself but most importantly on millions of people across the national territory. #latinoisnotarace #latinocount #n4j #numbersaretoolsnottruth
This latest effort ensures that Latinos are effectively deracinated and may cause Afro-Latinos to be erased. By listing Latino ethnicity as co-equal with racial categories, Latinos are inaccurately portrayed as a population without racial differences despite all the research showing how Black Latinos are treated differently from other Latinos. Separating ethnicity from race is essential for making visible the actual and intersectional racial disparities that exist within a racially diverse ethnic group like Latinos in access to important public goods such as access to education, employment, housing, medical services, etc. Without it, systemic racism, especially when discussing Latino populations, is rendered invisible. #latinoisnotarace #lasvidasnegrasimportant https://lnkd.in/ggTP_xnF