🗓 Save the date! On Thursday June 27, WRI Africa and P4G Partnerships are hosting a webinar to highlight initiatives that enable enterprises in Africa to implement effective #ClimateAction for people, nature and climate. Register ▶ https://bit.ly/3z6l8Pr 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 Locally led climate action can be the key to sustainably addressing the impact of climate change in Africa. World Resources Institute supports local enterprises to thrive by providing funding and technical assistance through initiatives such as TerraFund for AFR100 and The Land Accelerator. This webinar will bring together speakers working in climate businesses and those accelerating sustainable financing models for small and medium enterprises. They will share examples of enterprises working on climate action, the challenges they face, and lessons learned. 🎤 Speakers: Rebekah Shirley, Ph.D. Robyn McGuckin Dr.Kinyanjui J. Koimbori Sam Rosmarin Samuel Kabiru