ZALORA volunteers with NGO PAIS Foundation' Ecobrick Sustainability initiative! Waste management and recycling remains a challenge in Southeast Asia with limited processing facilities spread throughout the region, non-urban communities often find themselves facing greater difficulties when it comes to managing their plastic waste. To tackle this, PAIS Foundation, a non-profit institution that focuses on education, children, and the community, partnered with ZALORA, to highlight the importance of processing and reusing discarded plastic waste into simple yet practical ecobricks that benefit small communities. 18 Zalorians visited PAIS' Curug Edufarm Center located in Tangerang, Indonesia. By reusing everyday waste that can be found in our homes and around our neighbourhoods, the volunteers reused discarded plastic bottles to create sturdy foundations for fences and farming. Check out the community and our volunteers working together, here: Thank you PAIS Foundation for collaborating with us! Let's continue serving our communities together!
turning plastic waste into bricks ..great initiatives
Business Owner | Vp Operation
1wwe would like to thank Zalora Indonesia again for being willing to collaborate with us 🙏