
Our background screening product especially designed for leadership hiring - Senior Executives, CXOs, and Board members - who merit special and exclusive handling. Our solution helps you validate proven track records of C-level executives, evaluate the competence, credibility and operational integrity of leaders, and get in-depth feedback from professional references with AuthLead™ – our specialised product for leadership screening that helps your organisation onboard genuine and trustworthy senior leaders for crucial business functions.

- Detailed analysis of the candidate’s professional account through intense secondary research
- Independent reference checks for qualitative insights about candidates’ past performance & reputation
- Compliance with global AML and other regulatory standards like (US) FCPA, UK Bribery Act, (the Indian) Prevention of Money Laundering Act etc.
- Highly advanced AI engines go through a plethora of adverse records available on the web

Get started today!

This product is intended for

  • Hiring Manager
  • Recruiter
  • Recruitment Specialist
  • Head of Human Resources
  • Head
  • Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Human Resources Officer

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