
Secure your data and analytics, on-site conversion and paid marketing from bots and invalid users, with the leading Go-to-Market Security platform, trusted by over 12,000 customers worldwide


40% of internet traffic is invalid, compromising the performance and goals of Go-to-Market teams. Botnets, scrapers, crawlers, click farms, fake accounts and other forms of Invalid Traffic (IVT) visit your site, contaminate your customer acquisition funnels and audiences, consume your campaign budgets, skew your data and fill your pipeline with junk leads. CHEQ Paradome protects your Go-to-Market efforts with accurate, real-time IVT detection powered by an intelligence engine which examines every site visit with 2000+ cybersecurity tests.

This product is intended for

  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Head of Demand Generation
  • Marketing Director
  • Digital Marketing Director
  • Head of Marketing
  • Vice President Marketing
  • Vice President of Analytics
  • Marketing Intelligence Analyst
  • Director of Affiliate Marketing
  • Chief Revenue Officer


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