
Gravitee is the world's first-ever event-native API Management platform. In the spirit of getting straight to the point, we differentiate along two main vectors: breadth and flexibility.

By breadth, we mean breadth of capability and product reach. Gravitee offers solutions that span Design-first API Design, a high-performance evented Gateway, API Access Management, API Security, Developer Portal, productization and monetization, and API monitoring.

By flexibility, we mean the ability to apply the above functionality to manage, secure, govern, and expose both synchronous and asynchronous APIs--regardless of what protocols you are building on. Our unique API definition and protocol mediation capabilities allow teams to unify synchronous and asynchronous APIs (i.e. you can front Kafka with a REST API or with a Webhook, Websocket, MQTT, etc.) and apply policies at the message level to ensure secure and reliable API consumption.

This product is intended for

  • Solutions Architect
  • Software Architect
  • Developer
  • Full Stack Engineer
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Software Application Engineer
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Software Engineer


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