
Janus Health Enriched Claim Status is a game-changer, automating claim status checks and sending rich, line-level claim status data back to your EHR. Save time, accelerate cash flow, and reduce manual claim follow-ups, freeing up your staff for higher-value work. The solution seamlessly integrates with your existing EHR, facilitating easy data exchange and keeping staff in their preferred workflows.

For even greater AR efficiency, pair Enriched Claim Status with Teleport for Claims. Teleport enables one-click payer portal and account access from within the EHR, saving 60–90 seconds per claim worked.

This product is intended for

  • Revenue Specialist
  • Chief Revenue Officer
  • Revenue Manager
  • Revenue Management Specialist
  • Director of Revenue
  • Director of Revenue Management
  • Manager Revenue Management
  • Senior Director of Revenue Operations
  • Revenue Cycle Manager
  • Director Revenue Cycle

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