Credentialing made easy with the largest CVO in the US. Using a credentials verification organization (CVO) like Verisys to assist with the provider credentialing process assures nothing and no one slips through the cracks. Verisys is fully certified and accredited with the NCQA and URAC and maintains the industry’s highest data and compliance standards. Verisys credentials over 2.2M individuals each year and employ over 600 individuals who do this everyday.
We screen all 868 provider types (taxonomies) in all 56 U.S. states and jurisdictions and can monitor your population to keep you in compliance, even when new legislation is passed. Individual states and federal standard-setting organizations have ever-changing regulatory requirements, but Verisys stays up to date on all changes and that means you maintain ongoing compliance and avoid fines, fees, and penalties.
Our Verisys Portal is a visual way to manage and generate meaningful reports of your provider population. You’ll have
This product is intended for
- Human Resources Manager
- Vice President Human Resources
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