10 Practical Tips to Attract and Hire STAR Talent

10 Practical Tips to Attract and Hire STAR Talent

In today's competitive business landscape, attracting STAR (Superior Talent with Achievements and Reputation) Talent is more than a goal; it's a necessity.

These individuals could be the driving force behind innovation, growth, and success of your company in the future.

But how do you lure these top-tier professionals to join your company?

Here's a 10-tips practical guide to winning over the best and brightest talents available in the market, taken from the lessons in my previous workshop on Employer Identity.

#1 Create a Compelling Employer Brand

Your company's reputation matters. STAR Talent is drawn to organizations that stand for something more than just profit. Showcase your values, culture, and mission. Highlight what makes your company unique/authentic and why it's a place where ambitious professionals can thrive.

#2 Offer Opportunities for Growth

STAR Talent is always looking to grow and evolve. Provide clear career paths, continuous learning opportunities, and challenging projects that align with their aspirations. Show them how joining your team will help them reach new heights.

#3 Provide Competitive Compensation & Benefits

While money isn't everything, it's still a significant factor. Offer competitive salaries, benefits, and incentives that reflect the value these talents bring. Remember, investing in STAR Talent is an investment in your company's future success.

#4 Foster a Collaborative Environment

Create a workplace where collaboration and teamwork are celebrated. STAR Talent wants to be part of a dynamic team where their ideas are valued, and their contributions make a difference. Encourage open communication and foster a sense of community throughout the entire organization.

#5 Showcase Success Stories

Share the success stories of current employees who have grown and thrived within your organization. These real-life examples can resonate with potential hires, showing them the tangible opportunities that await them.

#6 Leverage Technology in Recruitment

Utilize cutting-edge recruitment tools and platforms to reach STAR Talent where they are. From AI-driven algorithms to social media outreach, technology can help you connect with the right candidates more efficiently as you build positive awareness about your company's existence in the market.

#7 Personalize the Recruitment Process

Treat and respect each candidate as a unique individual. Customize your entire communication, interviews, and job offers to reflect their specific needs and interests. Personalization shows that you value them as more than just a potential employee, but as a human being who will probably become the key person to your organization's success in the future.

#8 Engage in Social Responsibility

STAR Talent often seeks employers who are committed to social responsibility and sustainability. Demonstrate your company's commitment to making a positive impact on society and the environment.

#9 Provide Work-Life Balance

With the latest advancement of technology that is available at such an affordable price, offer flexible working arrangements, wellness programs, and support for a healthy work-life balance. STAR Talent values their time outside work as much as their professional achievements.

#10 Involve the Senior Leadership Team in Recruitment Process

Their involvement sends a strong message about the importance you place on hiring top talent and can add credibility to your efforts.

However, involving senior leaders in the recruitment process could be a double-edged sword, since it will also ruin the recruitment process if the senior leaders are in fact, a**hole leaders.

STAR Talent could recognize the a**hole leaders just by having interviews with them, and it would definitely end with STAR Talent saying "NO" to joining the organization where a**hole leaders are in-charge.

To conclude this article, one thing that you should remember is attracting STAR Talent is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor.

It requires a strategic, thoughtful approach that aligns with the unique attributes and aspirations of these top professionals.

By creating an appealing employer brand, offering growth opportunities, fostering collaboration, and personalizing the recruitment process, you can make your company a magnet for STAR Talent.

Always remember, the pursuit of STAR Talent is not just about filling a position; it's about building a future.

Everything will fall apart if you have a mindset of just attracting them to join your company without any concrete plan to retain them.

Therefore, before you plan to hire STAR Talent, it's critical to invest in fixing your company culture first, then invest in hiring the right people who fit your culture, and they will almost definitely become a worthwhile investment of your company's success.

Om Bule 💙 Fabrice Gaullier

Linkedin Transformation Accelerator | On a Mission to help Leaders refresh their Personal Brand in 2 hours a week | Let's MAXIMIZE your LinkedIn game with ZERO HEADACHE 🚀


Haryo Suryosumarto, ⛓️ Bambang Haryanto Thank you very much for the mention. Your article and your comment are very relevant. From what I observe with my bule eyes, the relationship employers/employees is not yet very mature. Too many situations are related to "domination", not that "win-win designed", with a big lack of confidence of mutual trust. Many employers dislike when employees express themselves on social media. Many employees are shameful with employers' content (and they are right) As a result, everyone is suspicious of everyone else! Lucky me, in my previous working life, I was not what you call a STAR. The status name was HIPO for high potentiel. It was long time ago, in a US company and in a German company, but the "treatment/program" was close to what you describe. Good times :-) On the other hand, expectations were higher, and if you fail to achieve, it becomes less funny. Thank you, Gentlemen, have a nice day.

⛓️ Bambang Haryanto

Bantu Anda menubruk 85% lowongan tersembunyi dengan strategi koneksi dan konten LinkedIn untuk sukses mempercepat berburu pekerjaan Anda!


Konon di era LinkedIn ini semua karyawan diajak, diajari dan didorong jadi brand ambassador perusahaan. Seperti postingan Om Bule Fabrice Gaullier kemarin. Karena cerita karyawan lebih dipercaya daripada suara perusahaan. Tapi bukan sebagai burung beo yang memakai 📢 dan pembawa kopi paste produk PR perusahaan. Melainkan sebagai pribadi masing-masing untuk membangun personal brand mereka sendiri pula. Banyak perusahaan jadi ketar ketir ga, dengan policy seperti itu, talentnya takut dibajak?

Ninien Irnawati

Leadership | HR Consulting | 🏅 Certified Professional Coach | 🏅Professional Trainer by BNSP | B2B client management | Recruitment Services


Tak bs berkata2, mas … warbiyasak!!

Anastasia Setyo L.

Regional Training & Development at Qoala Plus | Trainer & Public Speaker | Life Coach | Birth Code Profiling, Iceberg Numerology, Tarot & Human Design Practitioner


Really inspiring mas Haryo Suryosumarto

Ahmad Eka Prasetia, SE, MM, Akt, CA, C.FT, CPPS, CT, CH

Head of Finance @ Project Mentari TB MPKU PP Muhammadiyah | Chartered Accountant


Wow! You never fail to impress me, pak Haryo Suryosumarto !


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