Claiming ‘Experiential’ back

Claiming ‘Experiential’ back

First please allow me a quick introduction seeing as the agency I represent has low awareness in Asia. I have the privilege of working for Imagination. We are an integrated creative agency that specializes in creating compelling experiences that brings brands and their customers together. We’ve been around since 1968 and we’re one of the larger independently owned agencies around.

Somewhere along the way the term ‘experiential’ was born and very quickly it was embraced and quickly (over)used. To an extent ‘experiential’ has been hijacked and diluted by party planners. True experiential work is powerful and transformational.

Experiential does not mean events. An event is but one part of the experience toolkit. We are living in a time where physical spaces are becoming digitized – which means an experience can be analog or digital, offline or online. True experiential work should start from a place that is platform agnostic and neutral. Only once a creative concept has been established should different media be applied to bring the solution to life.

Until recently, no discussion about experiential would have been complete without mention of RedBull’s record shattering Stratos initiative (however that record was broken only last month by an unassuming Google executive to very little fanfare). Stratos is an extreme example of how a brand that started life as a sports beverage company has reinvented itself into what is now effectively a media and content company specialise in creating, documenting and distributing highly engaging experiences.

What is especially exciting about designing and creating an experience is that when you add technology into the mix it becomes even more potent and amplified. However I would caution against technology for technology’s sake. Technology should be an additive, an enhancer if you will. It should never be the focal point and distract from the overall customer experience. The best use of technology is when the user is not even aware of its presence. Technology should be invisible and seamless for maximum effect.

Experiential is highly relevant in today’s fragmented and ever evolving marketing landscape. Advertising in the traditional sense is being disrupted. Some traditional agencies are adapting to this shift better than others but everyone recognizes the changing landscape and the need to change with the times. Media planning and buying have invented a new language to describe their offering (programmatic buying, real time bidding). I believe the agency I represent sits in a pretty sweet spot. The convergence of live, digital, social and technology is fertile ground for us to do work that is immersive, engaging and distinct.

At Imagination we are fortunate enough to have clients that allow us to push the envelope with regards to technology, digital and social. We deliver the Shell Eco-marathon which is a global programme spanning across Asia, Europe and North America. The Shell Eco-marathon is one of the most inspiring expressions of Shell’s commitment to energy efficiency and one of their most successful social investment programmes in the innovators of tomorrow. It is a tremendous example of how Imagination brings our full experience toolkit to bear for a single client initiative. It is truly an integrated experience that I feel proud to be associated with.

It is an exciting time for marketers and agencies alike. Technology has been a leveller in many regards and the ones who understand the new era of marketing will reap the benefits. If Imagination can be of service, please feel free to contact me.

* This post originally appeared in a printed format. It has been slightly modified and updated


Here is a deeper dive into the various elements that make up Shell Eco-marathon:

Shell Eco-marathon
Shell Eco-marathon challenges student teams from around the world to design, build and test ultra energy-efficient vehicles. With annual events in the Americas, then Europe and Asia, the winners are the teams that go the furthest using the least amount of energy. The events spark debate about the future of mobility and inspire young engineers to push the boundaries of fuel efficiency.

Shell Energy Lab
Shell Energy Lab takes visitors of all ages on a captivating and educational journey into the future of energy, technology and mobility. It offers visitors free access to an event packed full of exciting attractions, such as the Energy Theatre and the ‘zorbs’, Energy generators.

Powering Progress Together
Shell Powering Progress Together conferences bring together some of the world’s leading thinkers from business, government and society to address the energy challenges of the future.

Andrew Au 區天驥

Connector | Digital Explorer | New Ideas & Opportunities Creator


Or as my colleague puts it: "They are not ‘events’ - they are living, breathing experiences of the culture, purpose and performance of the brands that stage them."

Terence Chan

Principal, CX Analytics


Well said, Andrew.

Zaheer Nooruddin

Partner, digital transformation


Insightful POV Andrew Au, thank you.

Jeremy Rollinson 🇺🇦

Building wireless networks and community since 2003


You make some good points Andrew, thanks for sharing. Even though I specialise in event technology I agree with your warning about using technology for technology's sake. The best technology should be frictionless, add value and enhance the experience for the consumer. Too often I see technologies used that require people to take multiple actions in order to be able to engage fully. For example; download the app, accept broad permissions (just one of the reasons I am anti-iBeacon) and enter personal data. Our goal for experiential is to deliver digital grade analytics for the physical space, mapping consumer movement and engagement. By measuring the physical impact of an activation our clients are better able to understand what works for the audience and deliver better experiences. Whatever the medium, that's what counts.

Great post with some compelling and relevant #experiential examples. Looks like Imagination is doing some great work - congratulations!

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