'Sunday Law Review' - seeking your opinions
In the information age the brand identity is a bit of information floating in the big wide world of the internet. When our customers or competitors want to find out more about there are usually two steps, firstly, a Google search and secondly, a visit to the company website. Investors could also take such a route but often the information we seek is not what is on the company website. Sometimes, we are looking for information through other sources. In this instances, the search engine becomes an invaluable tool provided that we have the time to wade through pages of search results not all of which is very useful. However, the search engine is never fair. Here, the mighty organisations with the marketing budgets rule. It is well nigh impossible for a small law firm or individual lawyer to be on the top ten of search results without some search engine optimisation. Therein lies another complex and grey area of marketing, who to trust and who not to.
Almost three years ago, each weekend I was researching activity in UK law firms as well as what happened in the lives of lawyers. I would spend the entire weekend reading through various journals without having a single concise resource that could list all the freely available news of UK lawyers and UK law firms. This is when I decided to start compiling SundayLawReview.com.
This weekly column is dedicated to looking at what happened in the business of law, legislative changes, the lives of lawyers and law firms within UK as reported by online legal publications throughout the previous week. There is a lot of information, but the reader is not having to look through unrelated search results or for matter find that a financially mighty law firm through its huge marketing arm is able to dominate the search results for business. If a UK law firm or lawyer has been in the news, the Sunday Law Review would list it.
After a few years in operation and after many changes, now is the time to seek your opinions on what you like about the weekly review of lawyers and law firms in news, and any additional features that may make it even more useful.
Small and medium sized law firms who are not normally getting an awful lot of attention online about their activity from the mainstream legal press would be welcome to contact directly about the possibility of being featured. Such requests for inclusion within the 'Lawyers, Law Firms, Chambers & ABS in the news this week' section by law firms and legal professionals should be emailed to features@sundaylawreview.com