2024 Queensland AICD Gold Medal Award Speech
Thank you - when Luckbir rang, I have to confess this was not a phone
call I thought I would ever receive.
I was at my second office - the kitchen bench, overlooking paddocks
on our farm and again it brought into sharp relief the contrasts of my
I drive long distances for short meetings - although less now that we
are so virtually accomplished and, yes, I move between cattle yards
and board rooms.
Receiving this medal, I am gratefully aware that I stand on the
shoulders of those who have gone before, those who have also taken
seriously the role of a director, who see it, as Naomi said earlier, as
precious, who have honed their craft and committed well beyond the
board papers for the sake of the organisations they govern.
A few years ago when a board I am on was frequently in the news,
people started asking me what a director does - in essence - ‘what DO
you do?’.
I had my response, shaped strongly by my first Company Directors
Course experience in 2002 - I can still picture Henry Bosch delivering
the fireside chat - literally by the fire in Canberra!
I had left behind 3 offspring & their father on our cattle property, my
sister had flown up from Melbourne to help out for the week & I
immersed myself in governance!
My response remains largely unchanged today and I believe it is such
a gift.
Set the strategy and culture, employ the CEO , support the CEO to
deliver the strategy. And keep in mind the sunshine test…
It sounds straightforward - even simple- which is the intent of the law,
but these two acts are both simple & complex.
Straightforward & layered.
While it is good to look back, I am really interested to see where we
are headed.
I’m excited about the strengthening of strategic thinking, the
discussions on culture and welcoming of diversity.
I have some serious concerns however, about the over regulation of
business and industry, with an expectation that directors, who are not
to delve into management, be across an ever increasing plethora of
regulation, legislation and responsibility.
I believe this organisation - the AICD - can play a role in ensuring we
have enabling regulation, not jurisdictional and departmental
duplication and ever increasing responsibility being placed on both
remunerated and volunteer directors.
In the 1990s I worked with Myles McGregor Lowndes on a booklet to
encourage more women to step into volunteer leadership as they
were concerned about the insurance risks - we may well face similar
challenges if we are unable to effectively balance the regulatory and
reporting burden.
I am also keen to strive for greater diversity.
While we have reporting frameworks such as WGEA, I am keen for
boards to consider other diversity factors.
As the most decentralised state, Queensland offers geographic
diversity - however I don’t see this around board tables, neither do I
see a focus on this in other states.
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Referred to as the ‘boomerang strip’, I suspect the majority of ASX200
directors live somewhere between Noosa and Lorne, within a short
drive of the coastline.
We are fortunate to have our state council chair, Luckbir, in Cairns and
our national council chair, Naomi, in Hobart – with Brisbane being
almost equidistant between them!
And on diversity of thought - the more we have robust discussion and
genuine difference of opinion, the richer our board decisions will be.
Those who have ensured I consider so many angles of a decision are
those directors who come with a strong opinion held lightly - I believe
we need to embrace people who have different views, life experiences
and backgrounds.
I know I would find it much more difficult today to be appointed to a
board - I am a generalist who is yet to get back to uni after her one
year deferral was unable to be extended.
I do not have executive management experience, I live an hour from a
small town, I don’t socialise with other directors frequently and my
day to day role is managing the finance in our beef business.
What I do hear is community conversations, diverse opinions, local
leadership challenges, and I see the impact of decisions on business.
So I challenge all to broaden your diversity perspective - and
genuinely reflect the communities or market you seek to serve.
For me, it is all about purpose - what can I offer & importantly, what
impact would I like to have. My time on any board is for a finite period
and I want to ensure I use every scrap of that time to have an impact
that leaves an organisation in a genuinely more sustainable position
than when I first arrived at the board table.
I gain much from board work - working collegially to make a
difference to organisations and business with incredibly diverse
people who bring much to the table. It is a privilege I do not take for
granted, and I relish being able to connect and learn from diverse
perspectives across media, health, agriculture, aviation, natural capital
and philanthropy.
I also laugh at the rich contrast of my weeks - sometimes literally
going from inner city board rooms to cattle yards to a community site
in consecutive days.
So, thank you for this medal - to be recognised by your peers in a
profession that is often not understood, is an incredible compliment
and one I am both honoured and humbled to receive.
And I’d like to share a secret with you - I remain passionate about
regional Australia, about how we invest in its potential, how we
continue to strengthen and engage ‘the inland’ as we face increasingly
wicked challenges nationally and globally – so if you’re looking to
collaborate, I am all ears!
My final thank you is to this table over here - my board career is not
possible without a family that has always flexed and supported me -
they are used to roadside Team calls, an inflexible board calendar and
conversations on strategy.
Additionally, my sister who supported my first company directors
course is also here tonight - always ready to discuss complexity and
Thank you all
PhD, GAICD, Senior Manager, Emerging Industries, AgriFutures Australia
1wCongratulations! I value your simple, straightforward (despite the complexity) approach to Board governance. And the inclusion of diversity and having a voice and the necessity of this in a Board. This resonated with me and certainly extends to the organisation governed by that Board. I once had a colleague ask me if she was the token Asian in our company. She wasn’t. But her point was that a single or small number of diverse individuals in a company is not diversity. It was wonderful to read your journey and hear your reality. Thank you
Congratulations Georgie, TL
Chairman, The Great Australian Charity Cattle Drive. charitycattledrive.au
1moLovely family photo Georgie.
Helping people navigate media and public attention
1moCongratulations Georgie - well deserved 👏🏼👏🏼
General Manager at Cambinata Yabbies & Mary's Farm Cottages
1moCongrats Georgie!