4 Steps Business Procrastineurs Can Take This Summer to Get a Head Start on Fall Planning!

4 Steps Business Procrastineurs Can Take This Summer to Get a Head Start on Fall Planning!

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Who knew we would be living an idea of life that never crossed our heads even in our sleep. The global pandemic is all about change, diversification of work modes, digitization, and entrepreneurial business opportunities— interestingly for both men and women.

We were actually living our lives like robots, where we would wake up, eat our breakfast, (or even skip it if running late) do the 9 to 5 grind, come home, have dinner, complete the rest of the work, sleep and repeat this seemingly endless cycle every day until one day, COVID-19 entered our lives and this seemingly unstoppable cycle stopped for once and for all.

As a consequence of the global pandemic, many lost their jobs. People were not quite happy about it, of course. Nonetheless, many of us found our long-hidden entrepreneur within.

The Entrepreneur In Us

It was when many of us lost our conventional 9 to 5 job, that we got to see the entrepreneur that already existed in many of us, for the first time. However, as an aftermath of the global pandemic, we developed procrastination!

Yes, procrastination — the art of doing nothing and delaying what needs to be done on an immediate basis. It is then when our business self-evolved into something even more devastating, the procrastineur!

What Do We Mean By The Word Procrastineur?

Procrastineur is originally a French word that refers to the English word procrastinator. Here, however, we use this word in a different context.

Procrastinator + Entrepreneur = Procrastineur

Life is not the same for anyone anymore. With the rapidly evolving world around us, we need to come up with numerous ideas to ensure that we do not stop making efforts to make both ends meet.

Many psychologists, as well as entrepreneurs, have mentioned that procrastination is rather a productive habit than being a negative impact on our work. By taking some action steps this Summer you can position yourself ahead of the eight ball.

Steps You Can Take as A Procrastineur To Plan Your Fall

As a woman, resistance is rather a motivation than being stuck down. To be thoroughly prepared for the Fall this year, here are the 4 major steps that you can take as a procrastineur to be ahead of schedule.

Step 1: First, Set The Intentions To Take Action

Before you take any action, it is inevitably essential that you talk to the procrastineur in you about whether she is willing to take up the necessary actions or not.

Intentions are everything. It lays the foundation of every decision you make. A basic, yet essential trait of a successful entrepreneur is the capability of having intentions to take the necessary action.

With an incredible increase in the number of women-owned businesses from 29% in 2019 to 49% in the current era, we need strong and assertive women, capable of making decisions and sticking with them. That's when a capable, strong entrepreneur stands distinctively among the rest.

As a vital prerequisite, having the intention to take action is the first step towards a beginning of a new enterprise, and a new thought process. The rest is secondary.

Step 2: Draft Yourself An Action Plan

This is yet another essential step towards building strong entrepreneurship. Once you have a plan drafted, you have answers to some of the most important questions such as, when and what actions are to be taken.

An action plan helps you align and organize the tasks that you have to do in order to bring your intentions into reality. It is part of the energy work!

People today know me as Sherie Blakely because I had a plan drafted for myself two years before retirement. A plan to execute my intention as a businesswoman and Energy Therapist.

Step 3: Call Upon Some Reinforcements — Accountability Partner

When you have someone that keeps a regular check on you and holds you accountable for sticking to the commitment you made to yourself, then you tend to develop a sense of reinforcement.

It does miracles when you have an accountability partner. Yes, something magnetic happens! As a woman, though I strive to be an independent person, having someone that keeps motivating me so that I do not deviate from my goals is a blessing.

Step 4: Sign Up For Something Beforehand

Last but not least— prepare yourself for the worst before it has even arisen. As a procrastineur you are likely to be ahead of time, if not literally but definitely in your head.

Be literally ahead of time and sign up for anything that suits you best. Be it a course, a training session, or join a community since you are more likely to get exposure by signing up for a community.

What You As A Reader Can Do To Push These Procrastineurs To Do Good?

Support is highly inevitable. You may be:

  • A husband
  • A child
  • A parent
  • A procrastineur-to-be or have already been a procrastineur.

Please understand how important support is and that support has many forms.

You can be someone's accountability partner or be someone who keeps motivating a procrastineur around you.

Women of this era are more prone to resistance, so if you are a woman reading this--consider it your call-to-action. Look around you to see if there's a procrastineur who might need you to be there. A single push can do wonders to motivate a thriving soul.

The point being made here is to prepare yourself (and others) to get a head start on Fall planning this Summer and be ahead of time.

Sherie Blakely

Sherie Blakely is not Sherie Blakely because of sheer luck. I became the woman I am today because I did not give up and adhered to the foundation of my hard work, my intention to take action, and follow the plan that I drafted for myself.

Please share if you find my thoughts helpful. #energywork #procrastination #procrastineur


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