The 5 P's of Business Building (A Foundational Perspective)

The 5 P's of Business Building (A Foundational Perspective)

This is where we are going to clarify the 5 Ps of your business building foundation.

This is where you will gain even more clarity about what it is that you do, who you serve, and what you offer.

This portion of building a meaningful (and profitable) business is absolutely essential. We’re going to identify your passion, your purpose, your people, your product (or service), and your promise. Clarifying the 5 Ps will allow the remainder of your business to fall into place, particularly the promotional side of business building.

Let’s start with your Passion.

What lights you up? In a previous training, we talked about your strengths, gifts and skills. Your passion is all about identifying which strengths, gifts and skills you absolutely love more than anything. These are the talents, activities and beliefs that bring you joy, whether through serving or not. Simply having them and doing them bring you peace and fulfillment. Your passion can also be around a specific cause or idea that you align with and want to make a deeper impact around. However, be careful about being too vague about your passions. For example, “wellness” is a lovely passion, but its multifaceted and multidimensional. What exactly would you love about wellness? The more specific you can be, the more clarity you will have.

Let’s move onto your Purpose.

Your purpose would essentially be equivalent to or aligned with your Soul Mission that we discovered in a previous lesson. What is it that you are here to do? What is your purpose here? Why does your mission exist? What difference are you trying to make in the world? This essentially your why to your what. So, it’s emotional. It’s straight from the heart and it’s special to you. This is the deeper meaning behind why you do what you do. Think about the impact you want to make and how it will serve others on their journeys.

Let’s now talk about your People.

This is who you serve. Think about that one particular person that you can bring so much value to. Where are they in their journey? What problem are they facing? How is it relevant to what you can offer them as a solution? You’re here to help people, either to help them heal, transform, or achieve greatness. Think about the impact you can make in their lives. What would someone be so thrilled to receive from you? There is a bonus resource for this module that includes a more thorough worksheet regarding your ideal customer. For now, you want to think about the problem they have and the solution you have. What’s in it for them?

Let’s discuss your Product (or service).

What do you do? What exactly is it that you are offering to your ideal customers? This is what you sell that creates value for others. It’s your bread and butter, your skills, your talents, your strengths. It’s the entire package of what you offer. And let me tell you, it needs to be extremely easy for others to understand what you do so that they can buy from you. And even more so that they can refer you to others and advocate for you. It’s what you do that people care about and absolutely love. Think in terms of outcomes, rather than the actual product or service itself. What are you truly selling?

And finally, let’s talk about your Promise.

What is the end goal for those looking to work with you? What do they most desire and how can you help them achieve that? Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you are making guarantees. Ethically, we should not claim any type of guarantee in any industry, because as we know, nothing in life is guaranteed. So, you want to think about it this way: What end result do you hope to achieve with and for the customer? What is the ideal outcome, or the overall benefit of what you can do for someone else? What results have people experienced with you that know are more than likely possible for others? Your promise then becomes something different from a guarantee. It becomes a good faith commitment that you can pledge to upholding as an honest, trustworthy and noble business.

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