7 Important things you should consider for 2020 Mobile APP Marketing

7 Important things you should consider for 2020 Mobile APP Marketing

The global app market is one of the fastest-growing segments in the world right now. The growing advent of mobile devices, along with apps are perhaps the biggest technical phenomena in recent times. As technology is advancing at lightning speed, people are getting more addicted to mobile phones, tablets & other smart devices. A mobile device has evolved from just a communication tool to a highly effective business tool over the years. aa

The Importance of Mobile Apps in Business has climbed the ladder to the top rapidly in the past few years. If you look into the data of Bangladesh, there are around 500+ companies that are operating their businesses through mobile apps. Companies like Pathao, Uber, Shohoz, Foodpanda, Hungrynaki, Daraz, Pickaboo, are top of them. Even telecom operators, banks, and financial service providers like  Bkash, Grammenphone, Robi now have mobile applications for better user experience and boosting their business transactions.  

According to the persistence market research, “The global mobile application market is estimated to reach a market valuation of US$ 38.29 Bn by 2016 end and this is expected to increase to US$ 94.15 Bn by the end of 2024, registering a CAGR of 11.1% during the forecast period (2016 – 2024)”. It is because a lot of businesses are taking their presence to mobile platforms. Mobile apps made it easier for users to get any business information at their fingertips and stay connected to their favorite brands. Thus now there is a big opportunity for every marketer to create long term value for businesses. 

 So here I am sharing 7 important things that every marketer should do while promoting their Mobile Application for their business growth. 

1. Market Research: Doing market research is one of the basics of any business operations, executions or even for any marketing campaigns. But market research from a marketing perspective is slightly different. It’s not about the market valuation, market size or the forecast of revenue possibilities. From the marketing perspective market research is about finding some question answers. Like, Campaign target audience size, demographics, behavior, age, and segmentation. Like, how many targeted users are laggards, innovators, early adopters, and the late majority or what will be the campaign method ATL or BTL!

2. Competitor analysis: Before jumping to any sort of promotional activity it is important to know about competitors. You should also be looking at what your competitors have been up to and seeing what has worked and, perhaps even more importantly, what hasn’t worked for them. What is the strategy they are implementing and how the audience is interacting with them what are the actions they are taking and how that is impacting the business? Based on that you can always plan and strategies your marketing roadmap.

Market Research Pillars

3. Digital Analytics and funnels: When it comes to app marketing it is very important to understand the data and analyze it properly. Digital Marketing plays a major role here, with the help of digital technology you can create funnels, flows, app events for your mobile application campaigns. Over time major ad platforms like Facebook, Google AdWords had developed their ad mechanism and analytics more efficiently. With the help of Facebook Analytics, you can create event funnels to understand the marketing data. If I give an example if you create a campaign for people completing your business transaction through an app. Then you can easily create a funnel-like, people who have seen your ad to the people who have finally completed your business transaction. The funnel can be six to seven steps and you can check the data for each step and easily find out where to optimize for better results. For more details, we would love to help you feel free to get in touch with us.  

But, tools like Firebase, Facebook Analytics, Google Analytics are free tools from Google & Facebook. However, there are some paid or subscription-based tools like CleverTap, Mixpanel, App Annie, etc. These sorts of tools are able to generate and analyze the data with user profiles. All you have to do is just an API integration. 

 4. User Acquisition channels: Once you are done with your mobile application development and you are ready to sell or provide service through it. The first thing you need to do is to make a solid customer acquisition strategy. Having a proper strategy in place is essential to achieving sustainable long-term growth. Without having a plan for new user acquisition, you will undoubtedly struggle and eventually fail. For developing a solid customer acquisition strategy, it is very important to understand the acquisition channels. Again, digital marketing plays a major role here. Campaigns like App Install (Facebook), UAC (Google AdWords App Campaigns) is something that every other company is doing nowadays. 

But apart from that, affiliation partnerships, link building, and ASO are very very important. Always remember references or referrals are the biggest, cheapest and most effective way of quality user acquisition. Always keep on optimizing your app store, associate with other brands and get references from them. The brands where your targeted audience feels reliable and interact most. 

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5. User Retention Strategy: App retention is hard we all know that. Within our data learning, we figured out that an average of 68% of users is simply dormant in the first week. It is simply because users don’t find any reason to interact with the app once they are done with their transaction or need. So, how do we keep the user coming back to our app? With push notifications, according to a study push notifications can increase user retention by 20x. If you look carefully, you can see that every other app company sends a notification to your device almost every day and there is a reason for it. Because if a user is not launching an app in 30 days that user is most likely to churn or uninstall the app. Localytics even defines mobile app user retention as a user that returns to the app at least 1x within 30 days. Let’s take a big example if you look carefully at the messenger app by Facebook. You can see that they have some in-app games, quizzes, and puzzles simply because if a user is not messaging with someone then they have created more reasons for a user to come back to their apps and they are also making money from it by showing ads. 

Also if you look into the gaming apps, if you were at a certain level of the game and not going back to the game then they will start sending you the personalized notifications because in a study personalize notifications can increase user interaction around 62% and eventually hit the retention rate. 

Apart from this, the most important thing is loyalty user bonus. Incentivize users is always a great and effective way for user retention. 

 6. Communication method and channels: When we are promoting your app it is very important that we are considering the channel and communication method. App companies should always consider their app as a first-tier communication channel. Because it is easy, trackable, specific and very direct to the communication also it is relevant to the users. For Apps, firebase has a default feature of sending notifications and the communication method should always personalize. Mobile personalization is arguably one of the most important aspects of a compelling application. Personalization helps provide a more unique, relevant experience to the user. The more aligned the experience is with a user’s needs and preferences, the more likely they are to continue to use the application.


7. Campaigns with Deep links: We all are familiar with UTM tags it is basically the Urchin Tracking Module. This tag is mostly used by marketers simply to traffic source for specific web URLs. But when it comes to the mobile app, you don’t have any URL. So, suppose you want to promote your service feature or a product which is in your app not on the home screen that is on the 3rd screen of your app. So what do you directly drive users to that page? Through deep links. Just think in that way, you are promoting a T-shirt through our marketing campaign and in our app that T-shirt is in the cloth section under men’s where. Now, I am pretty sure that you are not expecting a user to open your app to find the cloth section then find the men’s wear and find that particular t-shirt. If you were expecting that, then please don’t cause that’s not going to happen. That user will visit a shop physically rather buying it from your app. So we need to make sure that we are using App Deep Links with your campaigns. It is not only for better user experience also to track your campaign visitors and conversions.


So, these were the 7 most important things that every marketer should consider while promoting their app. We know there is a broader discussion on every point we highlighted, we will be covering individual blogs on every point soon. But for now, please do comment and let us know what are important things you can consider while promoting your mobile application. 

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