Addressing Diaper Need: A Conversation with Good+Foundation CEO, Katherine Snider and Coterie CBO, Jess Jacobs

Addressing Diaper Need: A Conversation with Good+Foundation CEO, Katherine Snider and Coterie CBO, Jess Jacobs

Today, essentials like diapers are not recognized as basic needs, which is what makes incredible organizations like Good+Foundation so crucial. Good+Foundation is a national nonprofit that has been tirelessly working to dismantle multi-generational poverty by providing tangible goods and innovative services to under-resourced families. Recently, our Chief Brand Officer, Jess Jacobs, had a conversation with Katherine Snider, the CEO of Good+Foundation, to delve deeper into their mission and the critical issue of diaper need.

Dismantling Multi-Generational Poverty

Jess Jacobs: Katherine, your work at Good+Foundation is truly inspiring. Can you share a bit more about the organization's mission and how it drives your daily efforts? Katherine: The Good+ mission is to dismantle multi-generational poverty. Our model is unique in that we pair donations of goods–such as diapers, cribs, and car seats–with the services parents need to create an upward trajectory for their families: employment assistance, mental health counseling, co-parenting classes, and more. With operations in New York City and Los Angeles, Good+Foundation has provided more than $110 million in essential goods since our founding in 2001. We also do a great deal of training and advocacy work around systems- including Child Welfare and Child Support- that have disproportionately, and negatively, impacted families of color.

Jess: The work your team does is absolutely incredible. Just how many U.S. Families are “under-resourced?” 

Katherine: A family of four earning under $30,000 a year is considered low-income in the United States. The last Census Bureau report showed 37 million people living in poverty, including a dramatic increase in child poverty. Sadly, 1 in 6 children now lives at or below the poverty line. That fact doesn’t get enough attention in our country. Good+Foundation exists to serve communities experiencing socioeconomic inequity: nearly half of our families have unstable housing and 35% experience food insecurity or hunger. The majority are families who–despite working two or three jobs–can’t afford basic resources.

The Implications of Diaper Need

Jess: Diaper need is a pressing issue, but many may not fully grasp its impact. Could you shed some light on the day-to-day challenges faced by families in this situation?

Katherine: Diapers can seem like a relentless need for families living on low incomes. In a city like NYC or LA, a pack of diapers can be the equivalent of one hour at a minimum-wage job. Day-to-day, our families often have to choose between paying bills such as rent to afford the diapers their children need. Some parents have no choice but to change diapers less frequently, leading to skin irritation and infection. Long-term, diaper need contributes to cycles of poverty because parents are unable to access childcare without an adequate supply of diapers, and are then forced to miss work, causing additional strains to afford basic essentials. 

Advocating for Change

Jess: Why does the United States not recognize diapers as an essential item (and in fact taxes them like a luxury item)? How can we help to ignite change here? 

Katherine: Conversations like this one help to raise awareness. And there is a growing movement of organizations like Good+ who are involved in advocacy around this issue. Good+ has worked alongside the National Diaper Bank Network and other organizations to advocate for the appeal of local sales taxes, as well as to secure diaper subsidies for families. We’ve had some wins: In 2022, NYS exempted diaper purchases from local sales tax. And just this week our New York diaper bank coalition was just awarded the second year of funds to help us distribute diapers to families living on low incomes. 

It Takes a Village

Jess: How can brands and companies big + small get involved and help?

Katherine: Contact the Good+ team! We always need donations of new baby products, clothing, and more. We can’t do the work that we do without the support of companies like Coterie. Our team also works with companies who don’t have product to donate on employee engagement opportunities like virtual drives. The Give Goods page of our website also explains how people can create virtual drives or get involved with some of our “sister sites” in other cities where we don’t operate.   

Jess: How can people help on a more individual level?

Katherine: My first interaction with Good+Foundation was as an individual donor. I was working at the Rockefeller Foundation on global poverty initiatives, but I was a mother of two boys who wanted to do something to support families in my own community. What drove me to support Good+Foundation–much like the many individuals who support us today–was the knowledge that the organization was making a tangible, immediate impact on a daily basis.

Financial donations to Good+ help us distribute essential items like diapers and wipes and individuals can make a donation to Good+ in honor of a mom in their life this Mother’s Day! We also have an Amazon drive on our website that allows people to purchase critically needed items for families like sippy cups, potties, hygiene products, and more. 

Jess: What a powerful testament to the true impact of your organization. Thank you, Katherine, for sharing these stories and shedding light on such an important issue.

The work of organizations like Good+Foundation is invaluable in addressing the complex issue of diaper need. By providing essential items and support services, they are not only working to meet immediate needs but also empowering families to break free from cycles of poverty. As individuals and communities, we have the power to make a tangible impact and create a brighter future for all families. 

Thank you, Good+Foundation for all of the incredible work you do! 

Katherine Snider

CEO @ Good+Foundation | Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP®) + Certified Nonprofit Accounting Professional (CNAP)


Thank you for shining a spotlight on diaper need + for helping Good+Foundation get wipes to families in under-resourced communities.

Richard Klos

Director of Corporate Giving & Partnerships


Thank you for facilitating this discussion! Your support makes such an impact on Good+ families.

So grateful to be part of a team committed to meaningful impact 💙

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