AlphaFold: how A.I. solved a 50 year old problem in biology - and how it may herald a revolution in the field

AlphaFold: how A.I. solved a 50 year old problem in biology - and how it may herald a revolution in the field

The world of biology profoundly changed when, on November 30th, the results of biannual protein-structure prediction challenge CASP were announced. In fact, one of its grandest challenges had just been practically solved: AlphaFold, the deep-learning network developed by Google offshoot DeepMind, was able to predict in a matter of hours, and with unprecedented accuracy, the structure of proteins that had previously taken researchers years, if not decades, to assess correctly. 

But what is the protein-folding problem, and what could the consequences of this development mean?

Proteins are absolutely essential to life, practically supporting all its functions. The function of a specific protein crucially depends on its three-dimensional structure, which in turn depends on the sequence of aminoacids that comprises it. Problem is, given a specific sequence, an estimated 10^300 possible combinations exist for its structure. Despite this, in nature proteins fold correctly in a matter of milliseconds, reaching a state of minimal entropy. The apparent contradiction between the immense number of possibilities and the incredibly short time needed to reach the appropriate state is known as Levinthal’s paradox, and the challenge to predict a protein’s structure from its sequence has been a problem where biologists have been stuck for the last 50 years. 

The current gold standard to predict the 3D structures of proteins from amino-acid sequences is X- ray crystallography. This technique can be summarized into two steps: first the protein is purified and crystallized, then it is subjected to a beam of X-rays. Depending on the protein characteristics, the X-ray beam is diffracted in a particular way. By capturing the diffraction patterns, the resulting map of electron density is used to build the 3D structure.

There are other techniques such as NMR spectroscopy and 3D electron microscopy (3DEM). The real strength of such technologies lies in their synergistic use, rather than in the selection of the best one. That said, costs and time are still a major concern, given that it takes about a year and hundreds of thousands of dollars to predict the 3D structure of a single protein.

Faster and cheaper approaches have been desirable for some time. In fact, AlphaFold kicked in to try to match this need. DeepMind first entered CASP in 2018 with AlphaFold1 already achieving excellent results. However, it was November two years later that AlphaFold2 left everyone in a daze with even more outstanding findings in terms of speed and accuracy.

AlphaFold1 served as a substrate for AlphaFold2: the paper outlining Alphafold2’s characteristics in detail is still under peer-review at the moment of writing this article, but according to latest releases the pivotal change in the newest AI program resides in the underlying algorithm, while sharing some fundamental concepts with the first one. 

Let’s grasp how AlphaFold1 works, before discussing what can be said about the acclaimed successor.

In the first step the algorithm takes the amino acids sequence of the protein as an input and predicts two matrices containing the protein key characteristics for the 3D folding process. These matrices will be pivotal for the next step. 

It turns out that raw sequences of data are not the ideal input for the algorithm; hence a technique called Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) is used to compare two or more amino acid sequences to infer underlying amino acids patterns. The outcome of MSA is fed into a deep convolutional neural network model to predict the pairwise distance distribution matrix and torsion angle matrix of amino acids.

The second step aims to translate these matrices into a realistic 3D structure. The method is to use the output of the first step in order to realize the 3D structure with minimal entropy. This goal is achieved through an iterative gradient descent method. Such an algorithm starts with a smooth 3D structure model and automatically refines it until the matrices of the 3D structures get as close as possible to the matrices from the previous step so as to reach the state of minimal entropy. 

Looking at AlphaFold1 and at what DeepMind already disclosed, we can already infer some of the characteristics behind the game-changing AlphaFold2.

The main innovation lies in the use of a Transformer, more specifically an end-to-end attention-based neural network, instead of the deep convolutional neural networks used in AlphaFold1.

In short, the new approach looks at an input sequence and decides at each step which parts of a sequence are important for predicting the 3D structure.

As previously mentioned, AlphaFold1 is broken into two steps: MSA and neural network. Instead, in AlphaFold2 MSA is integrated in the attention-based neural network rather than being a separate step. 

End-to-end learning is a great advantage compared to the previous method in which extracting distances and using gradient descent for the folding process were two separate steps. By iterating the attentive neural network over and over, AlphaFold2 is finally able to predict with high accuracy, compared to experimental methods, the 3D structure of a protein in just a handful of days, if not hours.

Perhaps even more importantly, AlphaFold2 not only predicts the 3D structure but is able to judge what part of the structure is not as reliable as the others by using an internal confidence measure.

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The solution to the protein folding problem provided by AlphaFold may unlock a world of possibilities, from research to drug design. To better comprehend the depth of the impact it could make, it is important to understand the state of our knowledge in proteins: UniProt, the universal protein database, contains more than 180 million protein sequences; however, due to the complex and time-consuming characteristics of experimental work to determine protein structure, only about 170’000 structures are present in databanks. This means that a method capable of predicting the structure in a rapid and accurate way could unlock hundreds of millions of protein structures. AlphaFold has actually already given proof of its capabilities outside CASP: earlier this year it predicted the structure of a few SARS-CoV-2 proteins, before their structure was experimentally determined. Later on, experimental results confirmed the accuracy of those predictions.

Keep in mind that understanding the structure is crucial to understanding the function: protein structure predictions may help to better understand protein malfunctions in diseases such as Alzheimer’s or cystic fibrosis, to accelerate the development of new drugs and treatments, and to provide new and important insights in research in biology. At the very least, it will transform the work of molecular biologists, allowing them to spend less time experimentally determining the structure, and giving them more time to ask more advanced questions. 

Work still needs to be done, as at the present time not all structures predicted by AlphaFold are perfect, even if when it produces errors it is usually off by the dimensions of a few atoms. Furthermore, questions remain on protein interaction with small molecules and the structure of complexes with multiple proteins, for example. However, it is a game-changing development and a powerful tool to aid new discoveries and advance the frontiers of scientific development.

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Nature, ‘It will change everything’: DeepMind’s AI makes gigantic leap in solving protein structures, available at

DeepMind, AlphaFold: a solution to a 50-year-old grand challenge in biology, available at

The New York Times, London A.I. Lab Claims Breakthrough That Could Accelerate Drug Discovery, available at

Improved protein structure prediction using potentials from deep learning, available at 

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