Aluminum / Air battery, analysis, comparison, considerations and perspectives

Aluminum / Air battery, analysis, comparison, considerations and perspectives


After the great importance of the Li-On battery systems used in sustainable mobility combined with the greater demand and awareness of more and more people on the issues of environmental pollution and environmental protection, it is becoming increasingly necessary and interesting the deepening in the field of batteries and, more generally, on electrochemistry. This branch of chemistry is increasingly attracting the interest of investors at the expense of traditional hydrocarbon-based technologies and, consequently, the desire and enthusiasm to take full advantage of the research it can give us. If the merit of Li-On is surely having questioned an old and plastered idea of mobility, in addition to being the main architect of this epochal change, it cannot satisfy all aspects to complete its statement, especially in autonomy and recharge times. To overcome some of these limiting aspects, some researchers have rediscovered the metal / air batteries and, in particular, the Al / air treated in this paper.

1.     Introduction

Al / air batteries have the potential to be used for the production of energy for cars and other vehicles. These batteries could be of considerable importance as a transition for cars from hydrocarbon to fuel cells, they can produce enough energy and power to have even greater performance and autonomy than traditional cars. The main problem, in the current state of the art with alkaline electrolyte, is the high level of corrosion of the Al anode with the related development of gaseous H2 which, consequently compromises the Coulombian performance caused by the polarization of the anode. In this article we will try to understand the potential for future use by analyzing both the aspects that characterize this technology and whether there are possibilities for development. 

1.     Physical, chemical and environmental aspects

Metal / air batteries and, some favorable aspects such as characterize more particularly Al / air:

• High energy density

• Low cost of raw materials, high availability and diffusion

• Complete recycling of the substances that make up the primary cell

• No residual toxicity

• High stability at high temperatures

The first aspect is that on which the autonomy of the battery itself and, as in the case of the automotive sector, the distances that can be traveled depends directly. Relevant aspect because, in addition to the recharge time, it is what still limits the total diffusion of BEVs.

Figure 1 Comparison of electrochemical couples [1,2]

Figure 1 Comparison of electrochemical couples [1,2]

The second characteristic indicates not only the possibility of diffusion, but also and above all sustainability [3], in fact, if today's Li-On technology were to grow rapidly there would be a major supply problem not only of Lithium but also and above all of Cobalt which, in addition to being extracted as a by-product of the extraction of Nickel and Copper, however, it is present in the earth's crust only by 0.001% [4] whose mines are present mostly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [3]. In light of these data, it is difficult to imagine the complete replacement of the ICE in favor of Li-On batteries. One of the necessary conditions to be eligible as a guide for change is, without any doubt, it is high diffusion cheap so that everyone can use it, and otherwise it will remain a niche phenomenon.

The third consideration has a significant environmental value, as highlighted in the joint study carried out by the universities of Newcastle and Leicester [5] published in the journal Nature according to which the auto industry will be at a crossroads, or it will organize itself in a virtuous way by creating a business that will allow to reuse the rare metals contained in batteries or it will face an ecological disaster that will turn around like a boomerang on the sector. 

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Figure 2 Recycling lithium batteries: problems to solve [5]

In the case of Al / Air, with aqueous and alkaline electrolyte, the by-products of the oxidation-reduction reaction of the galvanic cell are ready to be included in the aluminum production cycle with significant energy savings [6]. The oxide reduction reaction of the pile is:

Anode: Al → Al3+ +3e-

Catode: O2 + H2O +4e- → 4OH-

Overall: 4Al + 3O2 + 6H2O → 4Al(OH)3

The hydroxide thus obtained from the anodic reaction can be completely recycled with significant savings both in terms of CO2 production and natural resources, mainly using recovered aluminum and not Bauxite. [6]

Normally aluminum it’s obtained from Bauxite through the following cycle

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Figure 3 Refined aluminum production process

While recycling the exhausted anode material:

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Figure 4 Aluminum recycling process due to an Al anode

Although aluminum is highly heat-resistant in powder, its oxidized shape is very stable even at high temperatures. An Al / air cell works on 120 ° without any consequence.

1.     Applications

The possible applications are manifold and, thanks to the peculiarities seen previously, it can compete in duration and autonomy both with fossil fuels and with hydrogen, therefore it can vary from automotive to aerospace to marine, from cars to drones or any application that require energy storage. Comparing with the current Li-Ons, it is immediately clear that they have significant differences and, in order to replace the Li-Ons, these differences must be taken into account in the planning phase.

First of all, the Al / Air are primary batteries, that is, non-rechargeable but need to be replaced. As seen before, they have an energy density much higher than Li-On, this translates into less overall volume for the same kWh.

Taking an automotive application as an example, the Israeli Phinergy has equipped a car with an Al / Air battery pack significantly smaller than a normal BEV, reaching the target of 1600 km of autonomy [7]

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Figure 5 Phinergy BEV prototype

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Figure 6 typical BEV battery stack layout

Such a type of battery can only make use of the "rapid replacement" system which requires an equal standard for all hypothetical manufacturers as well as a capillary network of substitutes and storage of exhausted batteries that will be sent to industries to be regenerated according to the diagram of figures 4.

1.     Conclusions

The experience of Phinergy indicates that the road to the energy transition can have different approaches, each of which with various positive and negative aspects. The technology of Al / Air batteries and, more generally of metal / air, is not as mature as Li-On, if for no other reason than the difference in the amount of investments to the full advantage of the latter, but it is certainly one of the most interesting that would bring not only a clear improvement in autonomy, but also a significant saving in infrastructure investments which, unlike charging stations for Li-Ons or the distribution network for hydrogen, this type of technology would not require. In addition to the infrastructure issue, the debate is increasingly focusing on which of the new technologies that are applying for the energy transition is really Carbon Free? If in the case of Li-On and Hydrogen there may be a misunderstanding, a reason for heated and fierce debates, on the origin of the recharged current for the former and the formation of the gas if from electrolysis or reforming for the latter in the case of Al / air, as seen in figures 4, there can be no misunderstanding, on the contrary, there is an effective and tangible saving of CO2. Being a system suitable for "quick replacement" it will be difficult for it to be used initially on cars much easier than, thanks also to its low weight as well as the other advantages, it will be developed and used initially in the aerospace and marine fields.


1.     D. Linden, Handbook of Batteries and Fuel Cells, NAVSEA Battery Document (NAVSEA-AH-300), 1st ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993.


2.     T.A. Dougherty, A.P. Karpinski, J.H. Stannard, W. Halliop, S.Warner, Aluminum–air: status of technology and applications, in: Proceedings of the Conference on Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering, IEEE V2 (1996) 1176–1180.



3.     Philipp Reuter, Head of Mediterranean Region, Frost & Sullivan,


4.     Fisica di V. Paticchio, F. Selleri (a cura di) ISBN: 8816439025

5.     Harper, G., Sommerville, R., Kendrick, E. et al. Riciclaggio di batterie agli ioni di litio da veicoli elettrici. Nature 575, 75–86 (2019).

6.     Design and analysis of aluminum/air battery system for electric vehicles VL - 112DO 10.1016/S0378-7753(02)00370-1JO - Journal of Power Sources - J POWER SOURCESER -




charles alvin scott

Lead Innovator - Hypuljet Ltd UK


Thought your profile says diesel engineer - will get back to read this fully


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