Amplify the power of You

Amplify the power of You

2023 is right around the corner. In 51 short days we are turning the calendar and people will set new resolutions, start-up gym memberships, decide ‘this is the year I will...’, and work on some form of improvement to make them more happy. 

Parents are in the over-whelm of getting ready for the holidays and working hard to ensure the memories are amazing. The kids get all the attention and oftentimes, the parents are left to their own devices to find happiness in the season. My kids thought I hated Christmas every year because I just never had the look of joy on my face. 

But it wasn’t a lack of joy. It was overwhelm. 

We, as parents at the holidays, get overlooked. Our mental health gets challenged. Our businesses need our attention. Our kids need our attention. Everything needs our attention.  

But why wait 51 days to regain happiness? 

What if you could start right now? 

Wouldn’t it be great to feel happier every day?  

Below is a list of 5 things you can start doing today that will help you amplify your happiness – right now and enter the holiday season with a little gift for you – a path to amplify you! 

No need to wait for the New Year. 

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Devote an hour a day to “Me Time” 

60 minutes for you. This is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. But what are you going to do for an hour??? 

  • Go for a walk. Being outside and moving in nature is a great way to connect with You. Put some music in your ears and enjoy the time. Walk fast. Walk slow. Dance. Run. Whatever floats your boat. Make the most of it and reconnect with yourself 
  • Take a long, luxurious bath. Your spouse will need to take the kids for an hour to make this work best. Run a hot bath with soothing lighting, music, and aromatherapy fragrances. Drift into relaxation and allow all the tension to leave your body.   
  • Lie down for a nap. Parenting is exhausting, especially with young children. Getting enough sleep is usually the chief complaint at this stage. Work together with your support team to take a break and give your mind the chance it needs to shut down and recharge. 

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Take care of your own Physical, Spiritual, and Health Needs 

Aligning your body, mind, and spirit is critical to your mental health. This is an important phase in your self-care that will create long term benefits that will impact your growth not only today, but well into the future. 

  • Begin a fitness regime. You do not need to go to a gym and workout for 4 hours a day to get in shape. There is a ton of good information on the internet to give you quick hit workouts from home. Spend a small amount of money on some dumbbells or workout bands and get to work. Unleash your power! 
  • Meditate daily. Spending just 10 minutes a day going within has huge long-term health benefits. It gives you the chance to connect with your inner essence and allow your true self to shine on the world. 
  • Add yoga into your life. Yoga is more than fitness. It is more than organized stretching. It is more than connecting your body, mind, and spirit. It is a flow to your day. It is breathing. It is allowing yourself permission to be healthy. It is worth starting. 

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Feed your mind and body good, healthy fuels 

You cannot expect to be effective at any of the above unless you fuel your body with good food and drink plenty of fluids. Focus on putting quality fuel into your system and stay hydrated! 

  • Eat quality, good food. Eat all the colors of the rainbow as often as possible. Mix fruits and vegetables with lean meats and whole grains. Go organic where you can... 
  • Fill your mind with good information. Learn only what you need to know right now, get your info from qualified sources 
  • Don’t allow headlines to dictate your response to the world. Only give emotions to that which you can affect change. 

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Spend time each day doing something you love 

When you spend time in your passion it flows over to other parts of your life. Ideally, your work is this passion. But also fold in other things that inspire your mind to grow. 

  • Start a hobby. Take to the kitchen to release your inner Chef or take up knitting to make cute things for little people. There are a million hobbies you can start that can inspire growth and creativity. 
  • Be creative. Take your hobby to the next level. Go off script from recipes and make it your own. Trying new combinations of flavors creates new eating experiences (shoot for happy ones...) 
  • Create growth. Gardening allows you to harness the DNA of growth and literally make food appear out of the earth. Talk about powerful...  

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Start journaling  

I believe there are three ways to connect your essence to the universe. The first two are prayer and meditation. The third is journaling. There are multiple forms of journaling, and I suggest these three types of journaling daily: 

  • For goal realization. Most people connect with goals once a year, or maybe even once a quarter. I suggest connecting with your goals twice daily. What better way to do this than in your journaling practice? 
  • For growth. When you open your mind up, amazing falls out of it. Journaling about your growth allows you to make sure you capture your essence and encourage it to flourish. 
  • For creativity. In business and in life creativity breeds innovation, growth, and potential. We were born to do something spectacular, but are held down by limiting beliefs, society, and fear. Releasing your creativity through journaling empowers you to go beyond and Reach for Your Potential. 

Putting it all together 

Focusing your attention on your healthful growth will give you extraordinary happiness, health, and lead you to wealth with the people you love. By doing a combination of these five things, you align yourself with your essence and your potential to live in a state of amazing. Start right away! 

There is no need to pursue work-life balance. It is not important to put the same amount of each on either side of a scale. But, when both work in harmony, you feel better. You perform better. You show up better. You build better relationships. You set better boundaries. You complete work effectively. You coach your daughter’s soccer team. You go for walks with your spouse. You remember client’s birthdays. You sleep amazingly. You wake up refreshed. And most importantly, you give yourself praise for being great at everything you do. This is the 960 Method.  


Control Your Economy! Amplify Your Business and Your Life In Two Weeks

Reach for Your Potential with the 960 Prime Momentum Journal

Learn More About HobbSolutions 

Are your life and business out of alignment? Let’s Talk   


I am on a journey to help 1,000,000 small business owners create the business of their dreams, control their own economies, and build the relationships they crave. This will help each person create true independence and freedom from all that life throws at them, while creating stable, thriving small businesses that can grow and support the economies of their employees and partners. 

Kim Willis

Content that cuts through the online noise | Customer stories that sell | Inbound and outbound lead specialist


Exactly - start now. I go hard in November and half of December, and usually have an awesome January

Claudia Wyatt

Enthusiasm Ignitor💥Self-Doubt Eraser🌟Coach-Consultant- Speaker- Writer 🎉SuperFounder 🚀


The calendar doesn't dictate your movement, you do.

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